- English: The Fieseler Fi 103, better known as V-1 flying bomb (Vergeltungswaffe 1, Revenge weapon 1), was a german flying bomb used in World War II
- Polski: V-1 (niem. Vergeltungswaffe-1, broń odwetowa nr 1) to niemiecki pocisk odrzutowy (samolot-pocisk) z okresu II wojny światowej, potocznie nazywany "latającą bombą".
Memorial de la Paix, Caen, model of german V1
German museum
V-1 in Armeemuseum Dresden, Germany.
V-1 over London, ca. 1944.
Plaque at Grove Road railway bridge, Mile End, Tower Hamlets, London where the first V-1 fell.
At the National Air & Space Museum
A Spitfire (right) using its wingtip to topple the gyros of a V-1 Flying Bomb (left).
At Duxford Imperial War Museum
Peenemünde Historical and Technical Information Centre: model of the V1 - coat of paint of 1944 version
V-1 at Eden Camp Museum.
A V-1 at the Invalides in Paris
Loon - US copy of V-1
V-1 rocket at the Imperial War Museum, London
V1 in Washington
German soldiers preparing a V1 launch
Cutaway drawing of a V-1
Detailed Service- & Userguide, COSMIC Top Secret in that time
American copy
American copy
American copy