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Create the page "Abel Balbo" on this wiki!
- <nowiki>Abel Balbo; Abel Balbo; Abel Balbo; Abel Balbo; Абель Бальбо; Abel Balbo; Abel Balbo; Աբել Բալբո; 艾比·巴布; Abel Balbo; Abel Balbo; アベル・バルボ; Abel Balbo;...1 member (0 subcategories, 1 file) - 19:40, 28 November 2024
- DescriptionAbel Balbo - AS Roma (recorte).jpg El futbolista argentino Abel Eduardo Balbo, en la figurita de la Roma en la temporada 1995-1996. Date https://www...(324 × 405 (101 KB)) - 19:07, 13 December 2024
- Balbo URL: publication date: 18 May 2010 operator: Flickr described at URL:,888 × 2,592 (3.91 MB)) - 08:33, 24 October 2024
- opera postuma di Cesare Balbo, 2nd ed. ( ) Author Balbo, Cesare Title Pensieri ed Esempi, opera postuma di Cesare Balbo, 2nd ed. Publisher Felice...(689 × 1,100 (16.51 MB)) - 12:49, 7 December 2022
- File:Richepin - Théâtre en vers, II, Flammarion.djvu (matches file content)précipitent dans l'auberge, à l'exception de Balbo. VENTURA, paraissant à la fenêtre ouverte. Balbo ! BALBO, qui ramasse les cruches et les gobelets...(4,267 × 6,953 (8.18 MB)) - 20:08, 10 March 2021
- Storia d’Italia, sotto al Barbari ( ) Author Balbo, Cesare Title Storia d’Italia, sotto al Barbari Publisher Felice le Monnier (Firenze) Description...(689 × 1,100 (19.02 MB)) - 10:16, 25 April 2021
- File:Diccionario d'Appellidos Portuguezes.pdf (matches file content)x x Azival X X B Babadilha Babainho Babai Babo ou Babon * Babo ou Balbo Baboso Babuças x x x x Babáu (ald.) Babe x x Babel Babelhas Babilão Babilas...(1,106 × 1,560 (14.7 MB)) - 02:27, 28 August 2023
- File:El L. Don Pedro Messia de la Portilla y Carrillo, Fiscal de su Magestad en esta Real Chancilleria de Granada en el pleyto con Luys de Rueda, preso en la carcel de la ciudad de Carmona (IA A11110819).pdf (matches file content)di6l. 1. 6 losquales preuilegios no pueden fCDunc¡ar5diélJ.i4.tit»zJib.^.Balbo ^inc. fi diligenci,de for.comp Y por la meíma caufa de infa¬ mia dixeron...(772 × 1,175 (7.5 MB)) - 03:48, 14 April 2022
- File:Lloyd's Register of Shipping 1938 Steamers.pdf (matches file content)GO Kent i~h <'oasf. ........ 38891 Kerlogne ............... 3&lil7 Italo Balbo ............ 38-!6 38459 Hindu .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 38611 Ketty Bnwig...(1,475 × 1,714 (532.88 MB)) - 15:56, 5 May 2024
- File:Transactions - American Philosophical Society (IA transactionsame04ameruoft).pdf (matches file content)Omitted in former volumes. J at Mexico. Jullien, of Paris. Prosper Count Balbo, of Turin. Hyacinth Carena, of Turin. Louis Philippe, King of the French...(872 × 1,308 (28.27 MB)) - 01:41, 25 February 2023
- File:A Latin Dictionary (1984).djvu (matches file content)Licinio Archia. Att., Epistulae ad Atticum. Balb., Oratio pro L. Corn. Balbo. Brut., Brutus sive de Claris Oratoribus. Caecin., Oratio pro Caecina...(2,495 × 3,665 (1.67 GB)) - 07:39, 22 June 2023
- OUR FRIEND THE DOG. trians, of 29 whose vicinity in the Valley of Balbo the French were apparently ignorant. In the days when bows and arrows...(685 × 1,087 (6.44 MB)) - 23:47, 20 July 2020
- File:A classical tour through Italy (IA classicaltourthr01eust 0).pdf (matches file content)LETTE11E DI JACOPO ORTIS. Foseolo Ugo- di vol. in-12, portr. 3 fr. 1 BALBO, quattro novelle, 1 vol. in-i8, 1 fr. 5o c. Capocci ), il primo vicere...(789 × 1,295 (40.81 MB)) - 18:35, 26 May 2024
- File:Appendix, No. VII. Donations to the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, from April 7, 1827, to July 25, 1829 (IA jstor-25563452).pdf (matches file content)Reign on the Art ofWar. 4to. MS. Sar, a Rajput Work of Persian Sungram Balbo.June By Count Prospero antica His Metro Sessagesimale 1827. 16, mesura...(962 × 1,400 (2.78 MB)) - 12:02, 9 September 2023
- File:Vocabolario cremasco italiano.pdf (matches file content)gueltare, ciancicare . Bernasi = paleltina. Bersò pergola . Betegót, betegů = balbo , Bertael bertovello . balbettatore , balbettante, à bacal balbuziente mer...(1,275 × 1,650 (11.82 MB)) - 15:05, 14 December 2022
- File:Historia di tutte l'heresie (IA historiadituttel02ilbern).pdf (matches file content)Affunzione alt Imperio Sue qualità, e bandi Commercio con gl\ di Michele 'Balbo bile . . Her etici ricufato da' di quefti. 1 -' Ve[covi Cattolici...(1,039 × 1,456 (58.78 MB)) - 19:03, 12 January 2023
- mottled sheep. Padova, 1822 Opere Minori;—Vita di Dante, scritta da Cesare Balbo. 4 vols. 120 half vellum. Firenze, 1853-57 Divine Comedy, Translated by...(1,533 × 2,389 (4.31 MB)) - 09:02, 7 September 2024
- File:Del vaiuolo e della sua profilassi, cenni storici e pensamenti economico-igienico-sanitari .. (IA (matches file content)tradizioni rivelate, e sul quale per ultimo tanto bene ha meditato Cesare Balbo); PP. Cibot e Deutrecolles hanno scritto a lungo dottamente ed in modo...(833 × 1,260 (4.3 MB)) - 19:12, 12 April 2022
- File:Iris lover's catalog - with iris map for 1928 - F.X. Schreiner. (IA CAT31328663).pdf (matches file content)group: Tones of Pioneer, Acheron, Polaris, Mentor, R. W. Wallace, Circe, Balbo, Esplendido, a red purple without a trace of yellow in composition. Next...(727 × 1,062 (4.35 MB)) - 19:46, 20 August 2024
- File:L'empire libéral; études, récits, souvenirs (IA lempirelibral18olli).pdf (matches file content)espa- 10. BALAN, diplomate prussien, VII, 84. BALBI, président du Grèce BALBO, conseil en (1863), VI, 37. Cesare, son livre des Speranze, I, 353. et...(662 × 1,056 (13.41 MB)) - 13:51, 28 February 2023