Marguerite de Valois
Deutsch: Margarete von Valois (1553-1615), auch Königin Margot genannt, war Ehefrau von Heinrich IV. von Frankreich und damit Königin von Frankreich und Navarra.
English: Marguerite de Valois (1553-1615), also called Queen Margot, was wife of Henry IV of France and Queen of France and Navarre.
Français : Marguerite de Valois (1553-1615), autrefois dite la Reine Margot, devint reine de Navarre et de France par son mariage avec Henri IV de France.
Italiano: Margherita di Valois (1553-1615), detta la regina Margot, divenne regina di Navarra e di Francia attraverso il matrimonio con Enrico IV di Francia.
Polski: Małgorzata de Valois (1553-1615), zwana także Królową Margot, żona Henryka IV Burbona; królowa Francji i Nawarry.
Українська: Маргари́та де Валуа́ (1553-1615), відома як Королева Марго, дружина Ге́нріха IV Великого; короля Франції i Наварри.
Portrait by Francois Clouet, 16th century
Portrait by Francois Clouet, c. 1560
Portrait, c. 1571
Portrait by Francois Clouet, c. 1572
Portrait, c. 1572
Portrait, around 1572
BW-version of the previous image
Portrait by Francois Clouet, 16th century
Portrait attributed to Francois Clouet François Clouet
Miniature by Nicholas Hilliard, 1577
Portrait, c. 1580-1585
Portrait, c. 1590-1605
Marguerite de Valois with her brother Hercule François (right) and an unknown man (center)
Detail of the previous image
tapestries with Marguerite de Valois
Marguerite with her husband Henri IV
Coronation of Marie de' Medici, where Marguerite (6th from the left) assisted the ceremony
Scene in the bedroom of Marguerite de Valois during the St. Bartholomew's Day massacre
Litograph after a contemporary portrait
Coronation of Marie de' Medici, where Queen Marguerite assisted the ceremony
Cenotaph for Marguerite de Valois in Saint-Denis
former Hôtel de la Reine Marguerite in Paris