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File:STS-105 crew.jpg

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English: This is the portrait for the astronaut and cosmonaut crew members comprising STS-105, including the base crew (bottom center) of astronauts and the replacement or "up" crew (upper right) who will serve Expedition Three, scheduled to replace the Expedition Two (upper left) cosmonaut/astronaut trio or the "down" crew currently aboard the International Space Station (ISS). Astronaut Scott J. Horowitz (front right in the bottom grouping) is STS-105 crew commander. Joining him are (from left in the same photo) astronauts Frederick W. (Rick) Sturckow, pilot; and Patrick G. Forrester and Daniel T. Barry, both mission specialists. Astronaut Frank L. Culbertson, Jr. (center in the upper right grouping), commander, is flanked by cosmonauts Mikhail Tyurin (left) and Vladimir N. Dezhurov, both flight engineers representing Rosaviakosmos. Expected to move from the station over to the Space Shuttle Discovery for their return to Earth after a long stay aboard the ISS are (from left in the upper left gathering) astronaut James S. Voss, cosmonaut Yury V. Usachev and astronaut Susan J. Helms. Usachev, representing Rosaviakosmos, is Expedition Two commander; with Voss and Helms serving as flight engineers.
Deutsch: Besatzung der Space Shuttle-Mission STS-105 (unten) zusammen mit der Crew der ISS Expedition 3 (oben rechts) und der Crew der ISS Expedition 2 (oben links). Besatzung der Shuttle-Mission STS-105 waren von links nach rechts im unteren Teil des Bildes die Astronauten Frederick W. „Rick“ Sturckow (Pilot), Patrick G. Forrester (Missionsspezialist), Daniel T. Barry (Missionsspezialist) und Scott J. Horowitz (Kommandant). Im oberen rechten Teil die Crew der ISS Expedition 3: Der Astronaut Frank L. Culbertson, Jr. (mitte, Kommandant) und die beiden Kosmonauten Mikhail Tyurin (links, Flugingenieur) und Vladimir N. Dezhurov (Flugingenieur). Die zur Erde zurückkehrende Crew der ISS Expedition 2 von links nach rechts im oberen linken Teil des Fotos Astronaut James S. Voss (Flugingenieur), Kosmonaut Yury V. Usachev (Kommandant) und Astronautin Susan J. Helms (Flugingenieurin).
Autore NASA
Questa immagine o filmato è stato catalogato da uno dei centri della
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
(NASA) degli Stati Uniti d'Americacon il Photo ID: STS105-S-002.

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Public domain Questo file è nel pubblico dominio perché creato dalla NASA. La politica sul copyright della NASA afferma che «il materiale della NASA non è protetto da copyright a meno che non sia specificato altrimenti». (NASA copyright policy e JPL Image Use Policy).

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attuale15:56, 1 nov 2005Miniatura della versione delle 15:56, 1 nov 20055 023 × 4 019 (3,14 MB)Batrox (discussione | contributi)*STS105-S-002 (June 2001) --- This is the portrait for the astronaut and cosmonaut crew members comprising STS-105, including the base crew (bottom center) of astronauts and the replacement or "up" crew (upper right) who will serve Expedition Three, sched

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