Commons:Picture of the Year/2023/R1/votes/Burabay winter.jpg
- Jianhui67
- Patriot Kor
- Liridon
- Makary
- Abductive
- Buli
- Wolverène
- Thi
- Bestalex
- Friedrich240
- Captain Galaxy
- Maor X
- Shizhao
- SHB2000
- Qwerty123M
- BD2412
- Apisite
- Unochepassava94
- AuricArgent
- Ternera
- Kait Moren
- Rita
- Choucas Bleu
- JrawX
- Steffen 962
- Paracel63
- AirshipJungleman29
- Ventolinmono
- Otto Von Heim
- Klaus33
- Sillerkiil
- Christian Pirkl
- Bilirrubino
- Simeon
- Lyokoï
- Radomianin
- Fiver, der Hellseher
- Tbhotch
- Borvan53
- Красный
- 613 The Evil
- DeerChum
- Juan Emilio Prades Bel
- Laurent Jerry
- Giovanni Ussi
- Emaus
- WikiContributor0830
- Hughesdarren
- Derkoenig
- Mashtato
- Lee
- Tea with toast
- Пётр Тарасьев
- Athko
- Xunonotyk
- Strahtw
- Talgautb
- Ramesam54
- Kiril Simeonovski
- LucasBrown
- Ratekreel
- Daktilolukatip
- Nadkachna
- Pnn2013
- Phyrexian
- Gaby
- Protegmatic
- Nsophiay
- DokiDotto
- Dupont Circle
- Dziban303
- Eric.LEWIN
- Kevstan
- Kmw2700
- BrankaVV
- Happy5214
- HMa
- Tobivan
- Kiito M
- PrinceofPunjab
- SoakedSanity
- CGP05
- Hugo.arg
- Not Sure
- Avelludo
- Arjuno3
- Boylarva99
- FreCha
- Asbb
- Simon Burchell
- Nuretok
- HAF 932
- Glennfcowan
- Екатерина Борисова
- The Emperah
- Ата
- GRDN711
- Exilexi
- Phoenix CZE
- Diablo Cris
- Ash Crow
- Yuriy75
- Jsamwrites
- Le Loy
- MZaplotnik
- Shashvat Verma
- Extua
- Esnico30
- Grest7
- Djiboun
- Northern-Virginia-Photographer
- Susheel c
- Smartcom5
- BelPatty86
- Darellur
- Jengod
- Kittycataclysm
- Nigmont
- Juventiuscinna
- Rzuwig
- Russ London
- OmegaIV
- Cyfraw
- ElenaLitera
- DaSupremo
- Felino Volador
- Daniel Case
- Zollac
- Veiled
- AV 9
- Amorymeltzer
- Tintenklecks
- Kghbln
- DrPZ
- Лапоть
- Qwertyu2244
- Manojk
- Megalogastor
- Mostafameraji
- Donald Trung
- A niche kale geek
- Alhadis
- Shiro D. Neko
- Mykola7
- Andromedabluesphere440
- 1234qwer1234qwer4