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Commons:Picture of the Year/2012/R1/Tomb of Humayun, Delhi.jpg

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  Picture of the Year 2012
   The Seventh Annual Wikimedia Commons POTY Contest
Thanks for your participation! The 2012 winners have been announced!

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No. {{{3}}}, Tomb of Humayun, Delhi.jpg

To vote, you must

  1. ...have registered before Tue, 01 Jan 2013 00:00:00 +0000 UTC
  2. ...and have more than 75 edits before Tue, 01 Jan 2013 00:00:00 +0000 UTC in any single Wikimedia project that is still alive.
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  • Votes from IP addresses are ineligible. Even if you have multiple eligible accounts, you can only vote with one account.
  • One vote per picture.



  1. Max Ryazanov
  2. Йо Асакура
  3. Chtototakoe
  4. פדיחה
  5. Sven Manguard
  6. Érico Júnior Wouters
  7. Nizil Shah
  8. Muhammad Mahdi Karim
  9. Maor X
  10. A.Savin
  11. Ricordisamoa
  12. Dvl007
  13. Odisha1
  14. Léna
  15. Johnanth
  16. JaviP96
  17. Jolanta Dyr
  18. George Chernilevsky
  19. Bzh-99
  20. WhiteWriter
  21. Lo Ximiendo
  22. Kapitan110295
  23. Osarusan
  24. SchellZ
  25. Soulreaper
  26. 如沐西风
  27. Solfeo957
  28. Eternal Sledopyt
  29. Gjs2
  30. Юстэс Кларенс
  31. Droodkin
  32. Rajeshodayanchal
  33. MrPanyGoff
  34. Mariusz Swornóg
  35. Aguzer
  36. Truthanado
  37. Rameshng
  38. RaminusFalcon
  39. Bub's
  40. Rwendland
  41. Hekerui
  42. محک
  43. Llightex
  44. Vini 175
  45. Redtigerxyz
  46. Bill william compton
  47. Strahtw
  48. Jagro
  49. Jan Polák
  50. Gce
  51. Prof saxx
  52. Redboston
  53. MOTOI Kenkichi
  54. Ebineibgheniobg
  55. Courcelles
  56. Antichitera
  57. ComputerHotline
  58. Mbkv717
  59. Aw58
  60. Juri Kowski
  61. Selvejp
  62. Julien Houle
  63. KillerChihuahua
  64. Beatrice
  65. Fraxinus Croat
  66. Cbyd
  67. Rodolfo Ditzel Lacoa
  68. Reywas92
  69. Mandingoesque
  70. Heimo66
  71. Trongphu
  72. Ykliu
  73. Meno25
  74. Amjaabc
  75. White Master King
  76. Xavier121
  77. Whitetararaj
  78. Pixeltoo
  79. YuMaNuMa
  80. Aravind V R
  81. Miansari66
  82. Молли
  83. SpidErxD
  84. Nard the Bard
  85. Seven twentynine
  86. NickPenguin
  87. Cloudbound
  88. Jdx
  89. Harlock81
  90. Arjuncm3
  91. Aldo Fabian
  92. Matvey
  94. Alfasst
  95. Reade
  96. MauriceKA
  97. Opirnia
  98. Karthikndr
  99. Ledy86-86
  100. Vogone
  101. Travelour
  102. Duschgeldrache2
  103. Prss
  104. Avala
  105. Mjesfahani
  106. WWII
  107. Shashwat986
  108. Miiich
  109. DrPZ
  110. Work2win
  111. Zozo2kx
  112. Kiran Gopi
  113. BRUTE
  114. Anastasios
  115. AK456
  116. Perey
  117. 애콜라이트
  118. Platonides
  119. Jayadevp13
  120. AshLin
  121. Bellayet
  123. LightBringer
  124. Augustus Niva
  125. Beria
  126. Starus