Commons:Photo challenge/2014 - May - Flowers AND insects
(Redirected from Commons:Photo challenge/2014 - May - Flowers and insects)
2014 - May - Flowers AND insects
[edit]The first challenge of May concentrates on spring's nature – it will be on flowers and insects (or other arthropods, don't be too exclusive) combined. For this theme, photographs must be newly uploaded to Commons during the challenge submission period (but may have been taken earlier) and must be the work of the nominator. The challenge will remain open for submissions throughout May UTC.
Please add your entries to the bottom of the Entries section below and add the category Photo challenge/2014 - May - Flowers and insects to all your submissions. -- Achim Raschka (talk) 06:05, 1 May 2014 (UTC)
This Challenge has now closed for submissions. -- HelenOnline 09:24, 1 June 2014 (UTC)
Spider on Anemone sylvestris
Bee on lavender
Red and black beetle on Calotropis gigantea
A false blister beetle (Oedemera simplex) on a Yellow Chamomile flower. A Crab spider hides waiting for prey
A bumblebee in a morning glory flower.
Rose Chafer on buds - Goldglänzender Rosenkäfer auf Knospe
Bee on whitehorn - Biene auf Weißdorn-Blüte
A Mason Bee (Anthidium florentinum) feeding on a Centaurea sphaerocephala flower
A Syrphus ribesii hoverfly on a flower
A Common Brimstone (Gonepteryx rhamni) on a Carlina acanthifolia
Beetles mating
Allium ursinum
Heliotaurus ruficolis on a Yellow Chamomile
Bee gathering
Bees gathering sumac flowers (Apis mellifera @ Rhus typhina).
Bumble bee gathering lavender (Bombus pascuorum @ Lavandula angustifolia).
Bumble bee gathering sumac flowers (Bombus pascuorum @ Trifolium repens).
Bumble bee gathering hollyhock (Bombus terrestris @ Alcea rosea).
Bumble bee gatheringlavender (Bombus terrestris @ Lavandula angustifolia).
Bumble bee gatheringlavender (Bombus terrestris @ Lavandula angustifolia).
False blister beetle (Oedemera croceicollis) on a Hawkweed
A Blow-fly (Chrysomya albiceps) on a flower of an Hortensia
A female Chrysomya albiceps feeding on a flower
Paper wasp (Polistes dominula) on a Oxeye Daisy
Female crab spider on a clematis (Misumena vatia @ Clematis ).
Female crab spider on a rose (Misumena vatia @ Rosa).
Painted Lady (Vanessa cardui) on a dandelion
Mourning Cloak (Nymphalis antiopa) taking off from a dandelion
Hoverfly covering its abdomen with pollen
A bee going for pollen as two ants watch
Green-veined White (Pieris napi) clinging to Cuckooflower (Cardamine pratensis)
Hummel auf zweifarbiger Bornholm Margerite /Bumblebee gathering leucanthemum
Ceriagrion coromandelianum on Catharanthus roseus flower bud
A bee drinks nectar from a lavnder flower in the lavender garden in Vauxhall Park
Hummingbird hawk-moth (Macroglossum stellatarum) in flight near lavender
Bumble bee collecting pollen from the flowers of yellow buckeye (Aesculus flava) in Toronto, Christie Pits Park
A hoverfly on a marsh marigold.
Valley carpenter bee (Xylocopa varipuncta) covered with yellow pollen and hovering over purple flowers, with its wings reflecting both colors
Harlequin cabbage bug nymphs (Murgantia histrionica) on bladderpod flower buds (Cleome isomeris) - The San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary
Beetles dinner
Spider on Rosa 'Marion Hess'
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