Category:September 2014 in New York City
Deutsch: Bilder, die im September 2014 in New York City aufgenommen worden sind. Bitte beachten Sie, dass dies weder das Datum des Uploads noch das Datum des Scannens eines Fotos ist.
English: Images/pictures taken in New York City during September 2014. Note this is not the date of the upload, nor the date a photo was scanned.
Español: Fotografías o imágenes tomadas en New York City durante septiembre 2014. No es la fecha de subida ni escaneo, sino la fecha en que las fotografías o imágenes se crearon.
Esperanto: Bildoj faritaj en New York City en septembro 2014. Tio ne estas la dato, kiam la bildoj estis alŝutitaj aŭ skanitaj.
Français : Photographies ou images prises en New York City durant septembre 2014. Ce n'est pas la date du téléchargement ou du scan.
Galego: Fotografías ou imaxes tomadas en New York City durante setembro 2014. Non é a data de subida nin escaneamento, senón a data na que se crearon as fotografías ou imaxes.
Italiano: Fotografie o immagini scattate a New York City nel settembre 2014. Nota bene: la data non si riferisce né a quella di upload né a quella in cui la foto è stata digitalizzata.
Norsk bokmål: Bilder tatt i New York City i løpet av september 2014. Merk at dette ikke er datoen for opplasting, eller når et bilde har blitt skannet.
Norsk nynorsk: Bilete teke i New York City i løpet av september 2014. Merk at dette ikkje er datoen for opplasting, eller når eit bilete har vorte skanna.
Русский: Изображения, сделанные в New York City в течение сентябрь 2014 (не дата загрузки изображения).
Українська: Зображення, зроблені в New York City протягом вересень 2014. Зауважте, що це не дата завантаження чи дата сканування фотографії.
中文: 9月 2014在New York City拍攝的圖像/照片。 請注意,這不是上傳日期,也不是掃描照片的日期。
September 2013 | ← | September 2014 | → | September 2015 | |||||||
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec |
32 | 42 | 69 | 215 | 53 | 137 | 119 | 45 | 108 | 60 | 41 | 28 |
This category has the following 20 subcategories, out of 20 total.
Media in category "September 2014 in New York City"
The following 88 files are in this category, out of 88 total.
2014 Kings County Democratic County Committee Meeting (15094902479).jpg 4,996 × 3,331; 2.65 MB
2014AlbenTriangle.TIFF 1,024 × 768; 2.25 MB
47 Pct WPR E229 St jeh.jpg 3,300 × 3,000; 2.1 MB
47 Precinct door WPR jeh.jpg 3,600 × 3,500; 2.04 MB
755 E233 St FDNY Ladder 39 jeh.jpg 4,896 × 3,672; 1.67 MB
9-21 People's Climate March-.jpg 4,288 × 2,848; 8.7 MB
Abubakr Buera Ban Ki-Moon (cropped).JPG 1,753 × 2,887; 1.41 MB
Acela crosses Little Hell Gate SB fr under TBB jeh cropped.jpg 2,670 × 1,638; 581 KB
Back in the NYC. (15300130692).jpg 640 × 640; 177 KB
Brooklyn Bridge 2014.jpg 3,792 × 1,896; 7.38 MB
Brooklyn Free School – first day of their eleventh year.jpg 1,881 × 1,500; 2.54 MB
Cactus house at Wave Hill 2014.JPG 3,553 × 2,628; 1.49 MB
Castle Williams Cells.jpg 3,000 × 2,003; 2.1 MB
Castle Williams Courtyard.jpg 3,000 × 2,003; 2.43 MB
Castle Williams Facade.jpg 3,000 × 2,003; 2.84 MB
Catedral de San Patricio en Nueva York Arco Ojival.jpg 4,592 × 3,056; 4.94 MB
Catedral de San Patricio en Nueva York Columna.jpg 4,592 × 3,056; 4.34 MB
Catedral de San Patricio en Nueva York.jpg 4,592 × 3,056; 4.88 MB
Claypitponds (14946436009).jpg 969 × 548; 95 KB
Columbia Crew - Muscota Marsh 2.jpg 2,048 × 1,152; 709 KB
Columbia Crew - Muscota Marsh 3.jpg 2,048 × 1,152; 680 KB
Columbia Crew - Muscota Marsh 4.jpg 2,048 × 1,152; 672 KB
Columbia Crew - Muscota Marsh 5.jpg 2,048 × 1,152; 620 KB
Columbia Crew - Muscota Marsh 6.jpg 2,048 × 1,152; 698 KB
Columbia Crew - Muscota Marsh 7.jpg 2,048 × 1,152; 712 KB
Columbia Crew - Muscota Marsh.jpg 2,048 × 1,152; 665 KB
Concourse Yard Entry Buildings, W. 205th St., between Jerome and Paul Aves. Kingsbridge.JPG 3,072 × 2,304; 2.77 MB
Conferencia de prensa de Cristina Fernández.jpg 2,000 × 1,194; 584 KB
Copper Lady.jpg 3,264 × 4,928; 9.11 MB
Arif Dirlik 2014.jpg 1,280 × 720; 56 KB
Guarding Liberty (16243260583).jpg 5,520 × 3,680; 5.87 MB
I never get tired of this view - Flickr - Ryan Vaarsi.jpg 2,508 × 1,411; 1.13 MB
Jenniferbartlett.jpg 539 × 960; 48 KB
Liberty01.jpg 4,320 × 3,456; 3.44 MB
Liberty02.jpg 3,456 × 4,320; 3.31 MB
Liberty03.jpg 4,320 × 3,456; 2.69 MB
Liberty04.jpg 4,320 × 3,456; 2.85 MB
Liberty05.jpg 4,320 × 3,456; 2.83 MB
Liberty06.jpg 4,320 × 3,456; 3.01 MB
Liberty07.jpg 4,320 × 3,456; 2.99 MB
Liberty08.jpg 3,456 × 4,320; 3.02 MB
Liberty09.jpg 4,320 × 3,456; 2.54 MB
Liberty10.jpg 4,053 × 3,243; 2.65 MB
Lt. Samuel S. Coursen Ferry Boat.jpg 2,048 × 1,367; 740 KB
Making a long berm in BBP jeh.jpg 4,896 × 3,672; 3.65 MB
Manhattan Bridge 2014.jpg 4,592 × 3,056; 7.78 MB
Masjid al-Saaliheen 72-51 Kissena Blvd jeh.jpg 4,501 × 2,503; 2.44 MB
MTA Bridge & Tunnel Officers Recognized (15157591627) (2).jpg 1,103 × 1,400; 941 KB
MTA Bridge & Tunnel Officers Recognized (15343817382).jpg 1,400 × 1,074; 867 KB
New Eastview office bldg jeh.jpg 4,896 × 3,672; 3.5 MB
New York - panoramio (142).jpg 4,912 × 3,264; 3.78 MB
New York - panoramio (143).jpg 4,912 × 3,264; 3.63 MB
New York - panoramio (144).jpg 4,912 × 3,264; 2.78 MB
New York - panoramio (77).jpg 4,912 × 3,264; 4.84 MB
New York City (20891427733).jpg 3,832 × 5,280; 5.14 MB
New York City (21325325988).jpg 1,024 × 739; 98 KB
New York City (21608328106).jpg 694 × 1,024; 114 KB
New York City (21608356846).jpg 3,912 × 5,868; 10.71 MB
Note 3 showing its ENWP page jeh.jpg 3,000 × 4,000; 1.58 MB
NYC-Diner-ToGo-Cheeseburger-Deluxe.jpg 3,360 × 2,560; 4.6 MB
NYC-Diner-ToGo-Overeasy-Eggs.jpg 3,320 × 2,980; 4.87 MB
NYC-Diner-ToGo-Western-Omelette.jpg 3,340 × 2,840; 4.88 MB
Permanent Representation of La Francophony to the UN in NYC.jpg 2,735 × 1,783; 1.01 MB
Reunión bilateral con República Árabe Saharahui (9967015473).jpg 4,627 × 3,085; 1.92 MB
Robert O'Hara at the Bootycandy Symposium, September 15, 2014-1.jpg 444 × 511; 38 KB
Robert O'Hara at the Bootycandy Symposium, September 15, 2014-2.jpg 519 × 552; 51 KB
Rough (15000004917).jpg 5,341 × 3,561; 12.45 MB
Scene from ILLUSIONS at the Baryshnikov Arts Center.jpg 2,520 × 1,290; 2.16 MB
Secretary Johnson attends Bi-State Task Force Meeting in NYC (14979764564).jpg 4,912 × 6,636; 2.54 MB
Sen. John J. Marchi - Staten Island Ferry.jpg 5,776 × 3,856; 6.95 MB
Sixty LES hotel 190 Allen St jeh.jpg 3,672 × 4,800; 2.42 MB
Statue of Liberty (left side view) september 2014.JPG 3,648 × 2,736; 1.69 MB
Statue of Liberty on Liberty Island NY.jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 1.19 MB
Statue--of--Liberty.jpg 1,900 × 2,520; 1,018 KB
The Empire.jpg 8,668 × 2,784; 6.04 MB
The Statue of Liberty (back view) september 2014.JPG 3,648 × 2,736; 1.29 MB
UN general Assembly, New York, Senior Level Meeting - Abubakr Buera Ban Ki-Moon.jpg 5,760 × 3,840; 5.51 MB
US Post Office-Morrisania, 442 E. 167th St. Morrisania, Bronx County, New York.JPG 3,072 × 2,304; 3.05 MB
Wave Hill House.JPG 610 × 355; 65 KB
Willis Av Br near sunset fr TBB & 1st Av jeh.jpg 3,600 × 2,698; 2.21 MB
Willis Av Bridge from HRLB late PM jeh.jpg 4,501 × 2,698; 2.38 MB