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Category:Orlat, Sibiu

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<nowiki>Orlat; Orlát község; Orlat; Orlat; Orlat; Orlat; Orlat; Opština Orlat, Sibiu; 奧爾拉特鄉; Општина Орлат; Orlat; Orlat; Orlat; Orlat; Comuna Orlat; Orlat; Орлат; Orlat; Orlat; Орлат; Орлат; Orlat (gmina); Orlat; Orlat; Orlat; Orlat; comună din județul Sibiu, România; község Romániában, Szeben megyében; commune roumaine; комуна Румунії; gemeente in Roemenië in District Sibiu, Roemenië; comuna de Romania; comune della Romania nel distretto di Sibiu; Gemeinde in Rumänien; commune in Sibiu County, Romania; común sa Rómáin; komunumo en Rumanio; Romanya'da komün (comună); comuna de Rumania</nowiki>
commune in Sibiu County, Romania
Strada Grănicerilor
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Instance of
LocationSibiu County, Romania
Street address
  • Str. Avram Iancu, Nr. 202(Cod poștal: 557170), Județ: Sibiu
Head of government
  • Gheorghe Pop (2024 Romanian local elections, 2024–)
  • 2,964 (2021)
  • 59.02 ±0.01 km²
official website
Map45° 45′ 15.95″ N, 23° 57′ 43.9″ E
Authority file
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This category has only the following subcategory.

Media in category "Orlat, Sibiu"

The following 10 files are in this category, out of 10 total.