English: Metamaterials are artificial materials engineered to provide properties which may not be readily available in nature. These materials employ the inclusion of small inhomogeneities to enact effective macroscopic behavior. The primary research in metamaterials investigates materials with negative refractive index. Although the first metamaterials were electromagnetic, photonic, acoustic and seismic metamaterials are also areas of active research.
materials engineered to have properties that have not yet been found in nature | |||||
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Questa categoria contiene le 6 sottocategorie indicate di seguito, su un totale di 6.
File nella categoria "Metamaterials"
Questa categoria contiene 56 file, indicati di seguito, su un totale di 56.
1d pc.png 511 × 241; 5 KB
2d pc.png 572 × 474; 10 KB
3-D fishnet metamaterial.jpg 289 × 232; 15 KB
3-D view of parallel plate lens-b.png 345 × 406; 5 KB
Antenmtm.jpg 535 × 440; 29 KB
Artist's rendition of the new light-bending metamaterial.jpg 2 700 × 3 600; 2,72 MB
Broadband electromagnetic cloak of cylindrical objects.jpg 1 000 × 1 500; 715 KB
Cloakingvn.jpg 756 × 369; 35 KB
Collimator.gif 416 × 259; 8 KB
Dielectric model.svg 640 × 437; 14 KB
Electron density wave - plasmon excitations sl.png 666 × 199; 2 KB
Electron density wave - plasmon excitations.jpg 666 × 199; 42 KB
Electron density wave - plasmon excitations.png 666 × 199; 2 KB
Equiv circuit models 2.jpg 800 × 208; 42 KB
Introduction of perfect metamaterial absorber.pdf 1 239 × 1 752, 12 pagine; 974 KB
Large meta SEM.png 1 510 × 960; 766 KB
Left-handed metamaterial array configuration.jpg 425 × 308; 107 KB
Lenses.gif 333 × 439; 8 KB
Lindman apparatus for artificial chirality experiment.png 796 × 280; 13 KB
Mandelstam 1944.jpg 1 954 × 2 174; 279 KB
Meta-aux-orange.jpg 2 647 × 1 833; 4,29 MB
Metallic lens antenna Bell Labs 1946.jpg 708 × 695; 138 KB
Metamaterial 'Flat Lens' (8889691315).jpg 1 798 × 2 266; 908 KB
Metamaterial (14714807731).jpg 654 × 825; 273 KB
Metamaterial.jpg 525 × 394; 151 KB
Metamaterials resonance at 100 Terahertz.jpg 931 × 1 280; 216 KB
Metamaterials; Antennas (5941039672).jpg 1 854 × 1 141; 1,03 MB
Metarefraction fi.svg 257 × 225; 9 KB
Metarefraction.jpg 226 × 230; 16 KB
Metarefraction.svg 257 × 225; 9 KB
Microwave diffractive ANN.png 2 326 × 998; 1,9 MB
Negative n.png 560 × 361; 78 KB
Negative reflection from meta-mirrors.jpg 675 × 326; 77 KB
Optical logic gate with diffractive neural network.png 2 440 × 900; 1,4 MB
Patchcv.jpg 555 × 362; 18 KB
Phased array metamaterial system.jpg 1 716 × 1 026; 231 KB
Plasmonic waveguide device visible freq.gif 346 × 288; 22 KB
Prism composed of high performance Swiss Rolls.jpg 544 × 169; 132 KB
Quantum metamaterial with 24 artificial atoms.png 2 048 × 1 392; 2,83 MB
Reflection.gif 326 × 157; 4 KB
Refracción negativa.svg 434 × 373; 8 KB
Sievenpiper-1999- High-Impedance- electromagnetic-surfaces.png 280 × 298; 22 KB
Snell law Positive and Negative Refraction.jpg 231 × 597; 14 KB
Spinodal Architected Material Properties.webp 1 367 × 1 067; 345 KB
Spinodal-architecture-example.stl 5 120 × 2 880; 26,43 MB
Split ring resonator.png 267 × 278; 77 KB
Split-ring resonator array 10K sq nm.jpg 350 × 263; 78 KB
Square circ metastruc.png 1 297 × 939; 778 KB
T-ray metamaterial semiconductor modulator.jpg 450 × 481; 72 KB
Terahertz folded-waveguide traveling-wave tube circuit.jpg 300 × 271; 76 KB
Terahertz freq. metamaterial modulator.jpg 600 × 181; 62 KB
Type of magnetic material.png 548 × 330; 139 KB
Type of metamaterials.png 576 × 388; 88 KB
Wilson Terahertz planar traveling-wave tube ckt.jpg 500 × 200; 95 KB
Z Antennas at UHF Frequencies.jpg 1 050 × 646; 417 KB
Положительный индекс.gif 453 × 324; 7 KB