Category:M3 Lee

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English: The M3 Lee (M3 Medium Tank) was an American tank used during World War II.
In Britain the tank was called "Lee" and a modified version, with a new turret, was called "Grant" : See Category:M3 Grant

<nowiki>M3 Lee/Grant; M3 Lee; M3; M3 Lee/Grant; M3 Lee/Grant; ام‌۳ لی; M3李戰車; M3 Lee; M3 Lee; M3李戰車; M3 Lee; M3 לי; M3李戰車; M3李战车; M3 리; M3 Lee; M3 Lee; M3 Lee; M3 Lee/Grant; M3; Char M3 Lee; M3李战车; M3 Lee; M3 Лий; M3 Grant; M3中戦車; M3 Lee; M3 Li; M3 Lee; M3 Lee; M3李戰車; M3 Lee; M3 Lee; М3 Ли; M3; เอ็ม3 ลี; M3 Lee; M3李战车; M3 Lee; M3 Lee; M3 Grant/Lee; M3 Lee; M3 Lee; M3 Lee/Grant; M3 Lee; M3 Lee; M3 Lee; إم 3 لي; M3 Grant; М3 Ли; Amerikan Ordusu tarafından II. Dünya Savaşı sırasında kullanılan bir tank; tanque medio; char moyen américain; μέσο άρμα μάχης; Tank medium Amerika Serikat; Amerykański czołg średni; טנק בינוני אמריקאי הנקרא על שמו של רוברט לי; американский средний танк времён Второй Мировой войны; 兩支炮永遠比一支炮好用; Carro armato medio statunitense; US-amerikanischer mittlerer Kampfpanzer des Zweiten Weltkriegs; 제2차 세계대전 시기 미국 전차; 1941 American medium tank; دبابة أمريكية في الحرب العالمية الثانية; americký střední tank; 1941 American medium tank; M3 Grant; Carro M3 Lee/Grant; M3 Lee; Carro M3 Lee; M3 Grant; M3 Grant-Lee; M3 Lee-Grant; M3 Lee; M3 Grant; M3A3 Lee; Tanc M3; Tanc Grant; M3 Lee/Grant; US M3 Grant; M3A5 Grant; Tanc Lee; Lee-Panzer; Grant-Panzer; M3格蘭特式戰車; M3格蘭特; M3李; M3格蘭特坦克; M3李/格蘭特; M3戰車; 格蘭特坦克; M3李將軍; М3 Грант; M3 Lee; M3 Grant; M3リー; M3リー戦車; グラント戦車; M3 Grant; M3 Грант; М-3л; M3 Ли; М3 Грант; М3 Ли; M3 Lee; Ли; M3 Medium; Tank Medium M3; M3 Grant; M3 Lee; M3 Lee; M3 גרנט; M3 Grant; M3 Lee; M3 Grant; M3 Lee Grant; M3 Lee; M3 Grant; M3 Medium Tank; Medium Tank M3; M3 Medium Tank; Medium Tank, M3; إم ٣ لي; ام ٣ لي; جنرال غرانت; ام 3 لي; Lee; M3</nowiki>
M3 Lee 
1941 American medium tank
Postavi datoteku
  • combat vehicle model
Je podklasa od
Nazvano po
Država porijekla
Početak upotrebe
  • 1941
  • 28 t
  • 5,64 m
  • 3,02 m
Total produced
  • 6.258
Kontrola autoriteta
Wikipodaci Q223184
LCCN: sh87007431
oznaka Narodne biblioteke Češke: ph369398
J9U ID: 987007539281205171
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