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Category:Council of Basel

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English: The Council of Florence is the seventeenth ecumenical council recognized by the Catholic Church, held between 1431 and 1449. It was convoked as the Council of Basel by Pope Martin V shortly before his death in February 1431 and took place in the context of the Hussite wars in Bohemia and the rise of the Ottoman Empire. At stake was the greater conflict between the Conciliar movement and the principle of papal supremacy. The Council entered a second phase after Emperor Sigismund's death in 1437. Pope Eugene IV convoked a rival Council of Ferrara on 8 January 1438 and succeeded in drawing some of the Byzantine ambassadors who were in attendance at Basel to Italy. The remaining members of the Council of Basel first suspended him, declared him a heretic, and then in November 1439 elected the antipope Felix V. The rival Council of Florence (moved to avoid the plague in Ferrara) concluded in 1445 after negotiating unions with the various eastern churches. This bridging of the Great Schism proved fleeting, but was a political coup for the papacy. In 1447, Sigismund's successor Frederick III commanded the city of Basel to expel the Council of Basel; the rump council reconvened in Lausanne before dissolving itself in 1449.
<nowiki>バーゼル公会議; concile de Bâle; Базэльскі сабор; Sobór w Bazylei; Базельський собор; Базельский собор; Konzil von Basel; Базельскі сабор; Council of Basel; Koncilio de Bazelo; Базель соборы; Базелски сабор; Церковный собор XV века; kunveno de romkatolikaj kardinaloj de 1431; Synode im 15. Jahrhundert; Catholic ecumenical council convoked by Pope Martin V in February 1431, subsequently moved to Florence in 1439; Базельско-Флорентийский собор; Sobór bazylejski; Basler Konzil; Baseler Konzil; Базэльска-Флярэнтыйскі сабор</nowiki>
Konzil von Basel 
Synode im 15. Jahrhundert
Medium hochladen
Ist ein(e)
  • 14. Dezember 1431
  • Januar 1449
Wikidata Q694141
ISNI: 0000000107257798
VIAF-Clusterkennung: 147193963
GND-Kennung: 820078-6
LCAuth-Kennung: n79129626
BnF-Kennung: 13736087r
IdRef-Normdatenkennung: 034005617
HLS-Kennung: 017162
SELIBR-Kennung: 288557
Libris-URI: 1zcgk75k4tfq349
J9U-Kennung der Israelischen Nationalbibliothek: 987007260170805171
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