Category:Coins of Rome
English: This category is for coins specifically minted in the city of Rome. For the coins of the Roman Empire generally, see Category:Ancient Roman coins instead.
This category has the following 5 subcategories, out of 5 total.
Media in category "Coins of Rome"
The following 32 files are in this category, out of 32 total.
Roman Coin 10.jpg 319 × 696; 60 KB
Roman Coin 10a.jpg 312 × 311; 29 KB
Roman Coin 10b.jpg 319 × 313; 30 KB
Roman Coin 15.jpg 303 × 656; 42 KB
Roman Coin 15a.jpg 296 × 317; 22 KB
Roman Coin 15b.jpg 303 × 304; 20 KB
Roman Coin 9.jpg 348 × 689; 51 KB
Roman Coin 9a.jpg 323 × 320; 25 KB
Roman Coin 9b.jpg 328 × 313; 24 KB
A Roman copper coin, as of Claudius (AD41-54) (FindID 179912).jpg 2,277 × 1,066; 223 KB
COIN (FindID 992397).jpg 2,435 × 1,311; 493 KB
NCL-771EA1, Roman coin, as of Claudius (FindID 614616).jpg 2,432 × 1,676; 441 KB
Roman Coin , Contemporary copy denarius of Septimius Severus (FindID 761424).jpg 2,286 × 1,316; 1.14 MB
Roman coin, As of Claudius (FindID 411839).jpg 5,376 × 2,388; 5.57 MB
Roman coin, As of Claudius (FindID 555239).jpg 2,540 × 1,401; 2.17 MB
Roman coin, As of Claudius I (FindID 794859).jpg 7,288 × 3,986; 8.85 MB
Roman coin, contemporary copy denarius of Septimius Severus (FindID 850970).jpg 4,449 × 2,953; 4.13 MB
Roman coin, Denarius of Geta (FindID 288982).jpg 638 × 441; 190 KB
Roman coin, Dupondius of Septimius Severus (FindID 741404).jpg 1,453 × 836; 643 KB
Roman coin, sestertius of Septimius Severus (FindID 805873).jpg 3,070 × 1,820; 3.74 MB
Roman copper alloy as of Claudius (FindID 747553).jpg 2,261 × 1,342; 913 KB
Roman copper alloy sestertius (FindID 557482).jpg 2,835 × 1,782; 2.29 MB
British Museum - Room 41 (20804837402).jpg 1,920 × 1,280; 1.51 MB
Theodahad 534 536 Ostrogoth minted in Rome.jpg 648 × 639; 166 KB
Завичајни музеј Јагодина - Константин VII.jpg 1,660 × 2,490; 1.32 MB
Завичајни музеј Јагодина - новчић Теодосија II.jpg 1,671 × 2,506; 1.22 MB
Завичајни музеј Јагодина - Отацилија Севера.jpg 1,579 × 2,369; 1.07 MB