Commons:Wiki Science Competition 2019 in New Zealand
Wiki Science Competition is an international photography contest organised by the Wikimedia Foundation for images related to science, with entries uploaded to Wikimedia Commons and used to illustrate Wikipedia across hundreds of languages!
We can't imagine our culture without science. And in our increasingly-visual world, it is not enough to just talk about science: we have to see it. That's why this contest encourages the creation and free exchange of all kinds of scientific images. The Wiki Science Competition has been running since 2011 and has been growing ever since, with over 10,000 images entered!
Images in each of the six categories are eligible for a international competition (€500 prize for each category winner).
Because this is the first year the Wiki Science Competition has been run in New Zealand, judging will be done by an international committee, but New Zealanders interested in becoming a judge are welcome to contact the organiser, Mike Dickison (w:User:Giantflightlessbirds).
Images can be submitted by:
- the author(s), optionally including any affiliation you have (e.g. a university)
- a representative of the organisation or institution who owns the image rights (listing both the submitter and the author name)