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Category:Kungur Obelisk

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This is a category about a cultural heritage object in Russia, number:
This template and pages using it are maintained by the Russian WLM team. Please read the guidelines before making any changes that can affect the monuments database!
<nowiki>Обелиск от войск Пугачева; Kungur Obelisk; памятник в городе Кунгур; معلم تذكاري في كونغور، روسيا; Denkmal in Russland; obelisk, monument in Kungur, Russia; Обелиск от войск Пугачева (Кунгур)</nowiki>
Kungur Obelisk 
obelisk, monument in Kungur, Russia
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Instance of
Named after
LocationKungur, Perm Krai, Russia
Heritage designation
  • 1893
Date of official opening
  • 26 June 1893
Map57° 25′ 46″ N, 56° 56′ 38″ E
Authority file
Wikidata Q4329136
kulturnoe-nasledie.ru ID: 5900156000
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