Català: Contingut multimèdia relacionat amb l'any 1936. Per les imatges fetes el 1936 veieu Category:1936.
Español: Contenido multimedia relacionado con el año 1936. Para imagenes hechas en 1936 véase Category:1936.
Français : Documents multimédia sur l'année 1936.
Italiano: FIle multimediali relativi all'anno 1936. Per immagini relative al 1936, vedere Category:1936.
Magyar: A(z) 1936. évhez kapcsolódó média. Az ebből az évből származó képekhez lásd a Category:1936 kategóriát.
Türkçe: 1936 yılına ait çoklu ortam belgeleri. Görüntüleri izlemek için Category:1936 sayfasına bakınız.
Македонски: Мултимедијални податотеки поврзани со 1936 година. Слики од 1936 г. ќе најдете на Category:1936.
[edit]Main category: 1936
Català: El 1936 es produeix l'intent del cop d'estat militar a Espanya contra el govern democràtic la Segona República Espanyola. Inici de la Guerra Civil Espanyola. (18 de juliol del 1936 - 1 d'abril del 1939). Hitler Mussolini i Stalin enviaran ajuda militar sent el camp de proves de noves tecnologies militars aplicades massivament durant la Segona Guerra Mundial.
English: In 1936 there is the attempt of military coup against the democratic government of Second Spanish Republic. Top of the Spanish Civil War (July 18th, 1936 - April 1st, 1939). Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin sent military aid remains the testing ground for new military tecnologies applied massively during World War II.
Second Italo-Ethiopian War
sports plane
Spanish civil war
Flooded Main Street in Lock Haven, PA
- Olympics
[edit]Main category: 1936 births
March 18 - F. W. De Klerk - born
March 19 - Ursula Andress born
[edit]Main category: 1936 deaths