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Category:Sandy Amorós

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<nowiki>Sandy Amorós; Sandy Amorós; Sandy Amorós; Sandy Amorós; Sandy Amorós; 桑迪·阿莫羅斯; Sandy Amorós; Sandy Amorós; サンディ・アモロス; ساندى اموروس; Sandy Amorós; Sandy Amorós; Sandy Amorós; Sandy Amorós; Sandy Amorós; Sandy Amorós; Sandy Amorós; giocatore di baseball cubano; joueur de baseball cubain; xugador de béisbol cubanu (1930–1992); beisbol jokalari kubatarra; кубинський бейсболіст; Cubaanse honkbalspeler; jugador de beisbol cubà; imreoir daorchluiche Cúbach; kubanischer Baseballspieler; jogador de beisebol cubano; beisbolista cubano; لاعب كرة قاعدة كوبي; Cuban baseball player; beisbolista cubano; Sandy Amoros; Edmundo Amorós Isasi; Sandy Amoros; Sandy Amoros</nowiki>
Sandy Amorós 
Cuban baseball player
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Date of birth30 January 1930
Date of death27 June 1992
Manner of death
  • natural causes
Cause of death
Country of citizenship
Member of sports team
Authority file
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Media in category "Sandy Amorós"

The following 2 files are in this category, out of 2 total.