Christ Pantocrator

English: Christ Pantocrator is a conception of Jesus Christ as the Almighty, or "Ruler of All things", and is a common depiction of Jesus in the Byzantine or Eastern Orthodox churches.
Deutsch: Pantokrator
Español: Pantocrátor
Français : Christ Pantocrator
Italiano: Cristo Pantocratore
Nederlands: Pantocrator
Polski: Pantokrator
Română: Pantocrator
Português: Pantocrator
Svenska: Pantokrator
English: Capital at San Juan de Amandi, a 12th century Romanesque church in Villaviciosa (Asturias, Spain).Español: Capitel de San Juan de Amandi, iglesia románica del siglo XII en Villaviciosa (Asturias, España).
English: Cathedral of Konstanz, Copper plate with picture of Jesus Christ (Maiestas domini)Deutsch: Konstanzer Münster, Maiestas-Domini-Scheibe
English: Encaustic painting on panel, St. Catherine's Monastery, Sinai, 6th-7th century. The oldest known icon of Christ Pantocrator.
English: 13th century icon.From Serbian monastery Chilandar, Agios Oros
English: The Church of Dormition (1654).
English: 14th century by Feofan Grek
English: Ravenna, Italy, Church San Apollinare Nuovo, Jesus Christ (mosaic from the 6th century, detail)
English: 18th century icon from Marienkirche in Labova e Kryqit, AlbaniaChristus-Ikone (18. Jhdt.). Teil d. Ikonostase in der Marienkirche in Labova e Kryqit (Albanien)
English: Mosaic icon from the Bodemuseum, Berlin. (1100-1150)
English: Created 1408 by Andrej Rublëv.
English: Spas v silah, Kizhi monastery, Russia (18th century)
English: Fresco from Notre-Dames-des Domes church in Avignon, ca. 1341, by Simone Martini.Deutsch: Fresken im Avignon, Kirche Notres-Dames-des Domes, Szene: Christus Pantokrator mit Engeln, Fragment, um. 1341 Simone Martini
English: Detail of previous.
English: Fresco c. 1100, by Italian Byzantine master, from the Cloister of Saint Angelo.Deutsch: Fresken in Sant Angelo in Formis zum Leben Christi, Szene: Christus Pantokrator
English: Fresco c. 1220 from the Apse of Saint Clement's, painted by the Master of Tahull, currently at the Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya.
English: Roof fresco of Pantokrator, Nativity of the Theotokos Church, Bitola, MacedoniaСрпски / srpski: Пантократор, фреска, црква свете Богородице, Битољ
English: Cefalu, Sicily, apse & choir of Norman cathedral. Same as next two.
English: Mosaic from the Cathedral of Cefalù, Italy. Same as previous and next.Deutsch: Mosaiken der Kathedrale von Cefalù
English: Cefalu, Sicily. Same as two previous.
English: Detail of previous.
English: The Late Roman Empire apsidal mosaic from the Church of Santa Pudenziana
English: Pammacaristos Church in Istanbul.Italiano: Istanbul: Museo dell'ex chiesa del Pammacaristos (Fetiye camii). Cupola con mosaico bizantino del Cristo pantocratore.
English: Byzantine mosaic in the Cathedral of Montreale, Palermo, Sicily.
English: Interior of the Monastery of Borzesti.
English: Mosaic in the Baptistry of San Giovanni of Florence, ca. 1300, by the Florentine Master.Deutsch: Mosaik im Baptisterium San Giovanni von Florenz, Szene: Christus Pantokrator und das Jüngste Gericht um 1300, Florentinischer Meister um 1300
English: Choir of the church Saint-Austremonius of Issoire, Auvergne, France. The painted decoration and the representation of Christ Pantocrator are the work of Anatole Dauvergne in 1859.Français : Chœur de l'église Saint-Austremoine d'Issoire, Auvergne, France. La décoration peinte et la représentation du Christ Pantocrator sont l'œuvre d'Anatole Dauvergne en 1859.
English: From a 10th century mosque in Toledo, Spain, which was later converted into a Christian church.Español: Imagen de pantocrator en antigua mezquita de Toledo, España.
English: Mosaic from Daphne, Greece, ca. 1080-1100, by the Master of Daphne. Same as next.Magyar: 11. századi Jézus ábrázolás (Daphne templom, Athén, Görögország)Čeština: Mozaika z 11. století z chrámové kopule kostela Dafné v Athénách. Obraz byl dokončen mezi lety 1090 a 1100.
English: Same as previous, with patch.
English: Mosaic icon from Martorana surrounded by four archangels (St Michael, St Gabriel, St Raphael and St Uriel). The register depicts eight Prophets and, in the pendatives, the four Evangelists.
English: From Dunkle Kirche
English: Chora church in Istanbul. South coupole of the esonarthex. Geneology of Jesus Christ and the Christ Pantocrator. Same as next.
English: Pammacaristos Church in Istanbul.Italiano: Istanbul: Museo dell'ex chiesa del Pammacaristos (Fetiye camii). Cupola con mosaico bizantino del XIV secolo rappresentante il Cristo Pantocratore circondato da figure di santi.
English: 1378 by Feofan Grek
English: From manuscript in the Badische Landesbibliothek, Karlsruhe, Germany, Christ Pantocrator surrounded by symbols of the evangelists. Cropped version of next.
English: From manuscript in the Badische Landesbibliothek, Karlsruhe, Germany, Christ Pantocrator surrounded by symbols of the evangelists. Uncropped version of previous.
From manuscript in the Badische Landesbibliothek, Karlsruhe, Germany, capital "U".
English: From the Codex Amiatinus.
English: Maiestas Domini page from Codex Amiatinus (fol. 796v), Firenze, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana.
English: Miniature by Pantaleon, in the Vatican Apostolic library.Deutsch: Miniatur aus dem Menologium Kaiser Basilius' II. Pantaleon. Vatikan, Biblioteca Apostolica
English: By Haregarius, 844-851, from Tours
Hagia Sofia
English: Mosaic in Hagia Sophia of Christ Pantocrator and Leon VI.Deutsch: Mosaiken in der Hagia Sophia, Christus Pantokrator und Kaiser Léon VI.
Deisis mosaic
[edit]English: From Hagia Sophia, Istanbul. Deisis mosaic (detail). 1280. Same as two next.
Français : Christ en majesté, détail de la mosaïque de Déisis, haghia Sophia, Istanbul. 1280
With Empress Zoe
[edit]Deutsch: Mosaiken in der Hagia Sophia, Szene: Thronender und segnender Christus zwischen Kaiser Konstantin IX. und Kaiserin Zoe
Italiano: Mosaico bizantino con l'imperatore Costantino IX Monomaco e sua moglie Zoe ai lati del Cristo Pantocratore. Sec. XI. Santa Sofia, Istanbul.