Bauhinia variegata
Ordo: Fabales - Familia: Fabaceae - Subfamilia: Caesalpinioideae - Tribus: Cercideae - Genus: Bauhinia L.
Species: Bauhinia variegata L.
English: Orchid Tree
Tiếng Việt: Ban trắng
粵語: 宮粉羊蹄甲
cv. 'Candida'
Tempe, Arizona
Camel Hoof Tree, Egypt
Growing by the lake. Taiwan.
Almost no leaves on the tree during flowering. Taiwan.
Thin branches. Taiwan.
Flowers and leaves growing often on tree trunk. Taiwan.
Flowers, leaves and fruits. Taiwan.
Close up of flower. Taiwan.
Bark. Taiwan.
Fruits and seeds
Fruit grows fast. Taiwan.
Abnormal structure: Conjoined fruit. Taiwan.
Fruits. Taiwan.