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Commons:Picture of the Year/2012/R1/1794 Samuel Dunn Wall Map of the World in Hemispheres - Geographicus - World2-dunn-1794.jpg

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Revision as of 20:07, 19 January 2013 by Athanasius Soter (talk | contribs) (+1 POTY vote - eligible on commonswiki with 76+ edits - Vote through Commons:Picture of the Year/2012/Galleries/Maps - POTY App)
  Picture of the Year 2012
   The Seventh Annual Wikimedia Commons POTY Contest
Thanks for your participation! The 2012 winners have been announced!

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No. {{{3}}}, 1794 Samuel Dunn Wall Map of the World in Hemispheres - Geographicus - World2-dunn-1794.jpg

To vote, you must

  1. ...have registered before Tue, 01 Jan 2013 00:00:00 +0000 UTC
  2. ...and have more than 75 edits before Tue, 01 Jan 2013 00:00:00 +0000 UTC in any single Wikimedia project that is still alive.
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  • One vote per picture.



  1. Max Ryazanov
  2. Tomer T
  3. Shizhao
  4. Йо Асакура
  5. Another Believer
  6. Nouill
  7. Philosopher
  8. Guerillero
  9. Tuankiet65
  10. Les3corbiers
  11. Komarov Nickolay
  12. Holger1259
  13. INS Pirat
  14. Cantons-de-l'Est
  15. Michael Barera
  16. Dvl007
  17. Dalka
  18. Cyfraw
  19. Ort43v
  20. Hugo.arg
  21. Faigl.ladislav
  22. Peterfitzgerald
  23. Kiril Simeonovski
  24. Man77
  25. AlleinStein
  26. Ahonc
  27. Gripweed
  28. Osarusan
  29. Kapitan110295
  30. Sylwia Ufnalska
  31. Tercerista
  32. Yhz1221
  33. Diannaa
  34. Soulreaper
  35. 26 Ramadan
  36. AmirArash
  37. Transparent 6lue
  38. Aselfcallednowhere
  39. Solfeo957
  40. Amorymeltzer
  41. Davidbalfourshaws
  42. Smartcom5
  43. Beager
  44. Culex
  45. QuartierLatin1968
  46. Aarp65
  47. Юстэс Кларенс
  48. Komalantz
  49. Жирнов
  50. Zasadko
  51. Droodkin
  52. Askywhale
  53. Palamède
  54. Iklaoo
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  56. Neige19
  57. Bellepheron
  58. CMBJ
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  67. Vdkdaan
  68. RaminusFalcon
  69. Georgez
  70. Firilacroco
  71. GeoTrou
  72. Hrhr2
  73. محک
  74. Ælfgar
  75. Johann Grimm
  76. Aaeekkssoouullii
  77. Luciengav
  78. Pucesurvitaminee
  79. Vini 175
  80. Johan U
  81. Miyuki Meinaka
  82. Hosam007
  83. Bill william compton
  84. Cmadler
  85. Ehrlich91
  86. Karmos
  87. Sarilho1
  88. Z1720
  89. Ibapahombreperomequedeenmono
  90. Barbetorte
  91. Athanasius Soter