Code Lyoko Wiki
Code Lyoko Wiki
Code Lyoko Wiki
Ulrich clone

The Polymorphic Specter is a specter that either takes a human form or can change appearance at will.

The specter is also a pixelized being, having all of the supernatural powers following from it.

When specters take the form of another human being, they usually go after the person they are imitating to erase suspicion. The ones that can transform at will enable them to take on new disguises should their previous one become compromised.

A specter in the real world can be virtualized into Lyoko and also use its shapeshifting power to copy the appearance and the virtual abilities of the person that it's imitating. The interface can tell something is wrong when the specter is being scanned in the imitated Lyoko Warrior's place but cannot specify what to its user.

It was first seen in X.A.N.A.'s Kiss, where X.A.N.A. tried to cause trouble for the gang by kissing random people to make them feel jealous or depressed which could easily break them apart.

Alternative Names

Aside from Polymorphic Specter, this particular monster is referred to by numerous different names throughout the show, including:

  • Polymorphic Specter
  • Polymorphing Specter
  • Clone
  • Polymorphic Clone
  • Polymorphing Clone
  • Polymorph
  • Polymorphic Spectre (Commonwealth English)
  • Polymorphing Spectre (Commonwealth English)

Likewise, French names include:

  • Clone
  • Spectre Polymorphe
  • Clone Polymorphe
  • Polymorphe


Season 2
