The Sneak Attack is a GLA General's Power in Generals and Zero Hour.
Game Effect[]
Deploys a Tunnel Network anywhere on the map, as long as the location can accommodate it and is not obstructed by Fog of war. It functions identically to any other Tunnel Network, with a few key differences:
- It does not spawn any RPG troopers on construction.
- It lacks a weapon, but retains Stealth Detection.
- It has a brief deployment animation, during which it is not functional and vulnerable to attacks or EMP effects, such as those from an enemy Microwave tank.
Technology related to Sneak Attack were originally developed by Prince Kassad and first seen deployed in the US campaign by GLA defectors opposed to Dr. Thrax, GLA's Commander-in-Chief of toxic weapons. As the defectors are loyal to the Americans, they too exploited the opportunity.
In the GLA Campaign, after Kassad refused to aid the GLA with Dr. Thrax' presumed death, an unnamed GLA Commander is ordered to eliminate Kassad and take this technology by force, alongside the GPS Scrambler while fighting off American forces. It would see prolific use later on and contributed to their victories, but was unable to meaningfully hinder China's intervention.
Generals Challenge[]
- In Alexis Alexander's challenge, all GLA subfactions have access to Sneak Attack by default to compensate their lack of air power. This does not take up a promotion point, effectively leaving the player with eight, rather than the usual seven.
- Kassad and Leang would occasionally deploy Sneak Attack at various points in their respective challenges. Dr. Thrax however does not employ it in his challenge, despite his access to it.