“ | Soon your base will glow like the sun! - Tao |
” |
The Nuke General Challenge is a Generals Challenge level that pits the player against nuclear weaponry specialist Tsing Shi Tao.
Tsing Shi Tao is an extremely daunting opponent to face. He has use of the full range of China's ground and air units as well as increased access to its nuclear arsenal, making him capable of both a prolonged land attack and a ranged superweapon duel. His five Nuclear Missiles will activate several minutes into the battle, ready to strike the player's base. His Battlemasters, Overlords and Nuke Cannons will be launched in regular attack waves, as will Helixes and nuclear-armed MiGs. Despite his emphasis on vehicles, he will indeed make use of Red Guards and Tank Hunters, which can frustrate the player's defense plans by distracting anti-armor units. Time before the first launch is limited, and the player will be scrambling to fend off repeated ground and air attacks while attempting to formulate a means of taking out Tao's nuclear missiles.
Map Description[]
The challenge takes place in a large valley scorched by nuclear detonations. The player begins in a flat grassy area in the southwest that transitions into a burnt-out wasteland and a damaged, heavily contaminated town just south of Tao's base. There are two oil derricks immediately to the east that the player should seize; guarding them will be a challenge in itself, and they may have to be written off eventually. There is a very tall mountain immediately to the player's north, on top of which is a valuable oil derrick and supply dock. The nuclear general's base itself occupies the northern edge of the map beyond a dry river bed, with a small detached section to the northeast. The main base is elevated, accessed by ramps. Gatling cannons and occupied structures are regularly spaced along its perimeter, making infiltration very difficult.
General Considerations[]
The battle would have been outright impossible if not for two factors:
- All Nuclear Missiles deployed in this mission have their cooldown doubled (6 minutes -> 12 minutes). This applies to both Tao and any additional ones constructed by the player.
- Tao's Nuclear Missiles cannot be captured, and instead explode.
- He starts with no Construction Dozers, and will not produce more.
Most attacks will come from two main directions: regular columns of mechanized units from the northeast around the mountain, and attacks directly over the mountain itself to the north. Overlords and Nuke Cannons will generally come from the former, skirting the base of the mountain before turning southwest. The slow but deadly Nuke Cannons are particularly dangerous because of their range, since they might be setting up to fire before the player notices them approaching. Some attacks will venture further south before turning, so this area cannot be ignored entirely. Securing the mountain itself is important because of the supplies present and because it is used as an attack route. Tao will place high priority on attacking the mountain, so it should be garrisoned with powerful anti-air and anti-armor weapons. No MiGs will be used, but expect regular squadrons of Helix helicopters.
The player's top priority should be to disable Tao's Nuclear Missiles, preferably destroying them all before any can fire. The Propaganda Center should be second priority, as without it, no Overlords and Nuke Cannons can be produce. Targeting his production structures is also of high importance, since, with no access to Dozers, the loss of even one could determine the battle's outcome as he won't be able to repair or replace them. He has a large number of Advanced Nuclear Reactors which provide 18 power each, so taking out some of them won't meaningfully hinder his Nuclear Missiles.
The village in front of his main fortress is contaminated and is mostly unsafe for ground roaming; it can be scouted with air units, but even then garrisoned buildings remain a threat. Tao himself displayed a callous disregard for the wellbeing of his own infantry, sometimes marching them directly through radioactive slag in his haste to throw them at the enemy.
Generally speaking, the player should focus on building a defense perimeter that can stop tanks and aircraft without much babysitting so that the player can direct long-range interdiction units to eliminate the incoming Nuke cannons. This needs to be done while establishing an economy that can buy superweapons.
Faction Specific Considerations[]
GLA Generals[]
- Jarmen Kell should be deployed as soon as possible to capture enemy armor and neutralize Nuke Cannons/Infantry; defending against them can be exhausting.
- At least one SCUD Storm should be reserved to target the War Factory or the Propaganda Center. Destroying a War Factory can easily cut down the amount of oncoming enemy vehicles, whereas without a Propaganda Center, Overlords and Nuke Cannons are effectively removed from play.
- Time permitting, it may be advisable to occasionally build Demo Traps on the mountain's northern access path, where the player can expect steady waves of vehicles. They are less useful against gatling-upgraded Overlords, which can detect them.
- The Nuclear Missile to the right and a nearby War Factory are both vulnerable to Bomb Trucks.
- Disguised Bomb Trucks can be used defensively, but they are vulnerable to being revealed by Gatling-armed Overlords or helicopters. If opting to use them, keep them in the base perimeter and launch them at a tank that has already to committed to attacking a base defense structure. They can also be used on the hilltop to hit vehicle advancing up the narrow path leading to the dry river bed.
- Tunnel Networks and Stinger Sites will prove useful for defense earlier on.
- Expect to suffer at least one Nuclear Missile hit. However, most strategies can simply avoid them by building and defending multiple SCUD Storms.
- Don't forget to build a few Quad Cannons to destroy Helixes. At least one should be on the mountain, preferably two.
- The SCUD Launcher can help even out the odds if protected well. Marauders and Scorpions can also employ hit-and-run tactics, but they will be easily destroyed in the long run with attrition.
Rodall Juhziz (Explosives)[]
- The SCUD Storm's increased raw damage makes it rather useful at neutralizing Nuclear Missiles or just to cause widespread damage in general.
- Bomb Trucks are far easier to use, as they cost less. The lack of Biobombs barely hinder them, as the resultant Anthrax residue isn't effective against structures whatsoever.
Prince Kassad (Stealth)[]
- No Scud Launchers, Marauders or Scorpions are available, so direct confrontations are generally unwise. Hijackers can be used to steal some tanks if necessary, just beware of Helixes and Overlords with Gatling Cannons.
- The GPS Scrambler can help normally vulnerable units to get the drop on enemy vehicles. One such combination would be a Battle Bus with RPG Troopers.
- Camo Netting can be effectively used to set up hidden secondary bases. The distant southeast region of the map is usually quiet.
Doctor Thrax (Chemical Warfare)[]
- Bomb Trucks do not have the High Explosive Bomb upgrade, so more are needed to destroy critical structures.
- The Anthrax Gamma upgrade is required for SCUD Storms to destroy Nuclear Missiles with one strike, and even then it'll take a fair bit before the toxins eat it away fully, so make sure to fire them as early as possible.
China Generals[]
- The Nuclear Missile could be potentially used to devastate large portions of the base, but only if they are constructed early enough since their cooldown are also doubled. It is best not to rely on them earlier on.
- Air power is absolutely necessary to catch the Nuke Cannons and to destroy poorly defended Nuclear Missiles, preferably in company of a level 3 Artillery Barrage. Be prepared to lose multiple MiGs.
- The Artillery Barrage can also be used to take out stationary targets that are otherwise out of reach.
- Helixes can be used to bait all other Nuclear Missiles to avoid them from hitting the base.
- Black Lotus, who is capable of capturing buildings at a distance, may be able to poach some of the buildings that are on the western edge of the base, effectively removing them from play.
General Ta Hun Kwai (Armor)[]
- Without other artillery units to perform counter-battery fire, MiGs and Helixes (with Battle Bunkers + Tank Hunters) must be used to fend off the onslaughts. Do not rely on Emperors or Battlemasters, as even with said upgrades, they still come up short.
- When on the offense, bring a number of Dragon Tanks to counter Tank Hunters garrisoned in civilian structures and Bunkers (by burning straight through it with their resistance to infantry missiles). Emperors can comfortably defeat Gattling Cannons and win duels against enemy Overlords
General Shin Fai (Infantry)[]
- The Assault Helix is made for this challenge thanks to its great mobility, capacity, and Battle Bunker upgrade, able to quickly tear through most onslaughts when filled with Tank Hunters and Mini-Gunners.
- Fortified Bunkers, while not exactly necessary to many strategies, can still be used to defend against Battlemasters/Overlords quite effectively. Garrisoned with one minigunner and the rest of the positions occupied by tank hunters, they are adequate for stopping tanks, infantry and aircraft.
- Though not particularly well armored, Attack Outposts filled with tank hunters are more useful than Assault Troop Transports for base defense.
- Attacks on the base will prove to be much more difficult as no armored units are available. Artillery can eliminate threats at range, but they must be defended by Assault Troop Transports constantly.
USA Generals[]
- Air power can be incredibly helpful during this mission, and almost all aircraft have their uses:
- Raptors can deal with just about any vehicle, air or ground, easily deterring all grounded attacks.
- Aurora bombers can deal heavy damage to anything they hit. They can be sent on one-way missions to whittle down the Nuclear Missiles, or be used to fight off Overlords/Nuke Cannons, which are vulnerable because of their slow speed.
- Comanches are excellent at fast strikes to intercept the Nuke Cannons. When not in action, they must be kept out of the path of roving Gatling-armed Overlords or Gatling tanks.
- Provided the Gattling Cannons are dealt with, Stealth Fighters can easily empty garrisoned structures.
- The Ambulance and the chemical suits upgrade are both of limited use.
- Burton's stealth and powerful ballistic weapon allows him to destroy Nuke Cannons fairly quickly while avoiding Overlords/Battlemasters.
- Pathfinders can help eliminate enemy infantry at range, which is vital to keep them from distracting anti-armor defenses.
- Particle Cannons are particularly advantageous, as they have the shortest recharge time out of all superweapons, and their precision matters little considering no enemy structures could be replaced or repaired.
- The key to stopping the flow of tanks and cannons is to sight them early. Either a Sentry Drone or a Spy Drone is recommended for the mountain's eastern slope where the bulk the convoys travel. They will have to be replaced periodically as they fall to stealth-detecting units.
- The Search and Destroy strategy is recommended for Granger and Alexander, as it will allow a Tomahawk Launcher to strike Nuke Cannons outside of cannon range.
- The Strategy Center can be deployed at or near the southeast perimeter. It is durable enough to survive a few hits while retaliation is organized, and in any case would likely be hit by Tao's nuclear missile if placed within the base anyway.
Malcolm Granger (Air Force)[]
The map plays well to Granger's strengths, rapidly crossing rough terrain to hit attack columns and avoiding dangerous patches of irradiated ground. King Raptors will keep MiGs and Helixes out of the player's base, in addition to blunting the tank waves. A force of stealth Comanches, hidden off to the side of the main approach by the mountain, is ideal for ambushing the nuke cannons. Additionally, he can better afford to sacrifice an Aurora bomber or two, should it become necessary to head off an impending nuke launch.
As the nuclear general does not make much use of stealth technology, Granger can begin cautious helicopter roaming and raiding into the village, once the immediate nuclear silo launches have been neutralized. The base defense perimeter will still have to be avoided. Granger's excellent air-related General's Powers can eliminate the nuclear missile silos before they fire.
- Ordinary Patriot batteries are not ideal against the heaviest tanks, but in conjunction with Granger's air power they should be able to halt armor attacks.
- If, nevertheless, Patriots are not proving sufficient, Fire Bases filled with missile defenders can fill the defensive gap.
- Alternatively, a missile-loaded Humvee can supplement the Patriot, provided the player waits until the tank has committed to attacking the battery before moving the Humvee up.
- Deploy at least one Tomahawk at the base perimeter to help deal with any siege units that get through the air screening force. This is a backup measure, as nuke cannons should not be allowed to approach this close.
- A fully loaded Combat Chinook is practically a flying tank capable of destroying ground and air units alike, and it can move relatively quickly between threatened sectors of the front. Just be careful of Gatling units and avoid the enemy base perimeter.
General Townes (Laser)[]
The laser turret will help the player defend against both aircraft and tanks, and the laser crusader in numbers is a match for nuclear-enhanced armor. The drawback of both is that they lack range. The player will still have to intercept the steady flow of nuke cannons, and Townes lacks the long range of the American Tomahawk missiles. Colonel Burton with his powerful rifle does quite well in this role, provided he avoids any gatling-equipped Overlords or Helix Helicopters.
- Townes will also have to make use of Raptors and Comanches to strike the cannons before they come into firing range; this is costly and requires significant micromanagement, and Townes can expect to lose more than a few aircraft.
- A pair of Auroras can also work for interdiction, provided the player has the approach route surveilled sufficiently far forward. This requires good awareness on the part of the player.
- The player should make use of Townes' cost advantage with the Avenger, stationing the laser vehicle on both his northeast perimeter and the northern mountain to intercept Helixes.
- A Bombardment strategy is recommended from the Strategy Center, mainly to assist Colonel Burton in his interdiction efforts but also any Laser Crusaders that find themselves in a tank battle.
Alexis Alexander (Superweapon)[]
Tsing Tao's ground and air assaults are no match for Alexander's EMP Patriots, which will paralyze most vehicles with the first hit. This allows the player to focus on interdicting siege cannons and building the supply system. As her particle cannon is much cheaper and charges faster than the nuclear missile silo, with competent management she will be able to build a fleet of superweapons and be well-positioned to take apart the nuclear general's silos.
- As the nuclear carpet bomber is immune to the EMP effect, Alexander should still deploy some laser Avengers to the northeast front as an air defense measure.
- Though the EMP Patriot is excellent against tanks and can largely manage themselves, Nuke Cannons must still be dealt with separately because of their long range. Aircraft and Comanches should be used to intercept nuclear cannons far out, with Colonel Burton stationed in the area as often as possible.
- As long as the player has the mountain's eastern slope monitored, a single Aurora Alpha can devastate any incoming armored formation. Just be sure to avoid Gatling-armed Overlords that can potentially shoot it down as it turns around.