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Dead in Their Tracks is the penultimate mission in the Chinese campaign of Command & Conquer: Generals. The mission was to eliminate a GLA stronghold in Bishkek that was supplied only by train.[1]


After the battle at Balyckhy, the GLA were on the run. Using aerial surveillance, the Chinese High Command witnessed the enemy in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan using railways to deploy their troops. Deciding this was too great a threat to ignore, the Chinese High Command ordered Black Lotus to eliminate the railway bridge leading to the city. However, the large numbers of the GLA in the city, combined with the hostility of many citizens in the area itself, forced the PLA presence to keep itself small. It was essentially a commando operation.

Key Units[]

Gen1 Black Lotus Icons Gen1 Hacker Icons CNCG Gattling Tank Cameo



Ordering his hackers to start gathering funds immediately, the PLA Commander ordered up more troops from the barracks, along with vehicles from the war factory. Due to the nature of the operation, however, the vehicles in question were reduced to the most basic tier: Troop Crawlers, Battlemasters, Gatling and Dragon Tanks.

Occupation of the Eastern Train Station[]

Moving across the river using a nearby bridge, the commander discovered an Arms Dealer in the hills, and swiflty eliminated both it and the Stinger Site nearby, including Demo Traps discovered by Black Lotus.

Afterwords, PLA forces captured two GLA Supply Stashes in the area up north, using them to gather resources for their own means and enslaving the workers. However, that part of the city was also one of the drop off points for GLA infantry, forcing the commander to garrison buildings near the train station to prevent the terrorists from leaving the station and flanking their base from its undefended side.

Battles in the city[]

The Chinese are trying to clear the city!... Hold them back! Kill all who oppose the GLA!
- Rebel, saying that Chinese forces are on the verge of winning.

Meanwhile, other forces moved through the industrial area of the city. While there was no opposition there, they encountered multiple GLA patrols at the city center. Rather than engage them directly, the force tried to divert via the soccer stadium. However Angry Mobs came out from Spartak Stadium, a soccer stadium and began rampaging against the Chinese forces. Using a combination of Gatling Tanks, Dragon Tanks, and Tank Hunters, the mobs were quickly eliminated but had to resort to destroying the stadium to prevent more Angry Mob outbreaks. Unfortunately this attracted the multiple GLA patrols, which broke out into an urban fight.

While the Battlemasters engaged the GLA armor, Chinese forces moved farther up and encountered garrisoned GLA forces along with fixed emplacements of defenses and armor, leading to a pitched battle outside the central train station. Many Dragon tanks were destroyed by the RPG troopers as they burned out the garrisoned buildings and Stinger Sites.

Destruction of the target[]

By now the GLA had raised the alarm and sent all of their forces to kill the Chinese forces. In the confusion, Black Lotus managed to cross the bridge after two Stinger Sites were destroyed to plant an explosive charge. The blast occurs just as the train reaches the bridge, sending it into the river below.


The crushing defeat of a major GLA stronghold coupled with the capture of Bishkek signaled that China was on the verge of crushing the GLA's Asian cell.


It is possible to finish the mission without even triggering the Angry Mobs at the stadium, but they'll have to be dealt with at one point.

Along the way you'll spot some UN Supply Crates worth $1000 each. Use any unit to collect them.

Order the Hackers to generate income immediately. Head east with Black Lotus and avoid the train. Train a number of Red Guards and move them there as well. Use Black Lotus to capture the Arms Dealer, so the GLA AI can no longer produce vehicles. Take out any Demo Traps revealed by Black Lotus. Though not necessary, it is recommended to eliminate the Stinger Site and Technical guarding the Arms Dealer.

Load Red Guards into Technicals. The main reason to use them over Troop Crawlers is that they cost less, move faster and can defend themselves. Produce two extra Quad Cannons and head north, as there'll be two Technicals patrolling the area. Eliminate them and any infantry units. Garrison the Red Guards inside a building right next to the train tracks.

There'll be two unguarded Supply Stashes. Use Black Lotus to capture one of them, then continually use Cash Hack on the other (both share the same account balance) until no more resources can be stolen from them. Produce Workers and use them to repair the garrisoned structures. If needed, build extra Technicals for transport. Alternatively, Dragon Tanks can be used to burn the train before it even arrives with a proper setup. Don't bother approaching the rail bridge from the east.

Garrison the gas station close to the bridge with five Tank Hunters and five Red Guards, as some vehicles may attack this area. If needed, Gattling Tanks and Quad Cannons can assist in defense.

Try to avoid the Stadium. If you ever want to go up against it, bring Gattling Tanks, Quad Cannons and Dragon Tanks to quickly burn up the Angry Mobs before destroying the exits. There'll also be a Stinger Site nearby, so take it out as soon as possible.

Large columns of vehicles are patrolling up north. Bring Tank Hunters and garrison them in structures, then either lure the units to them or move them closer. Garrisoned enemy structures will have to be cleared by Dragon Tanks once the coast is clear.

A large number of Stinger Sites are present up north as the final obstacles once the vehicles have been taken down. Use a combination of Red Guards and Tank Hunters to clear them out, and send Black Lotus to the rail bridge.


  1. Electronic Arts Pacific, Command & Conquer: Generals. China mission 6: "Dead in Their Tracks".
Generals and Zero Hour missions