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Club Penguin Wiki
Mal's Outfit
Mal's Outfit CPI icon
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Available Yes
Type Full Body Item
Cost 60 coins
ID 295
Internal name malsOutfit
Not to be confused with the item of the same name from Club Penguin.

Mal's Outfit is a unique full body item in Club Penguin Island. Members can buy it at the Disney Shop for 60 coins.


Location Available from Available until
Disney Shop July 24, 2017 January 1, 2020


  • Its description is "Something about this says, "I'm trouble." "
  • In the 1.8.0 update, the cost of this item was changed from 100 to 60 coins.


Names in other languages[]

Language Name Description
Portuguese Roupas da Mal Algo sobre isto diz: “Não sou flor que se cheire.”
French Tenue de Mal Une tenue pour les grands rebelles.
Spanish Atuendo de Mal Esto dice: “Soy un peligro”.

See also[]
