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Back Stage

Where North of the Dock, next to the Music Platform (2008–2011)
At the Snow Forts (2016)
Opened During Music Jams from 2008 to 2011 and 2016
Closed When Music Jams ended
Mini-games None
Room ID 851 (2008)
853 (2009–2011)
861 (2016)
Tour Description
Welcome backstage! This area is strictly for VIPs. You never know who you will find here chilling after a gig.

The Back Stage was a party room that appeared during some Music Jams. To access this room, the player needed to be a member, and had to go to the Snow Forts to purchase a V.I.P. Pass, then go to the Dock. In capital letters, there would be a sign that says, "Backstage." Clicking on it would take the player there.

Inside, there was also a music catalog with past instruments to buy. The Penguin Band hung out in here after gigs, and players could get the background from them when they came here. Players needed to have a V.I.P. Pass from each year to get in.

It returned during the Music Jam 2016, but at the Snow Forts, and no Access Pass was needed.


Music Catalog[]

Music Jam 2008[]

The Music Catalog featured many instruments, such as the tuba, violin, snare drum with drumsticks, and a blue bass guitar. A set of Dj headphones were included, as well as a secret red electric guitar found only by clicking the dot above the "i" of "Music." It comes every Music Jam.

Music Jam 2009[]

The Music Catalog featured many instruments, including tuba, trombone, cowbell, double necked guitar, red electric guitar and a blue bass guitar. There were two secrets in this catalog, the first is the snare drum and the drumsticks that can be found by clicking on the "i" dot of "Music, and the second is a Black Electric Guitar, which can be found by clicking on the "o" of "catalog."

Music Jam 2010[]

The Music Catalog did not feature as many instruments as the other catalogs. It featured the Conga Drums, Tuba, Tambourine and Orange Double Necked Guitar.

Music Jam 2011[]

The Music Catalog featured many instruments. They are: Conga Drums, Blue Snare Drum, Drumsticks, Trumpet, Oil Slick Guitar, Orange Double Necked Guitar, Blue Accordion, and Tambourine.



Geographic location[]
