The Clone Wars
The Clone Wars

"Heroes are made by the times."
―Jedi Fortune Cookie[src]

"Bombad Jedi" is the eighth episode of the first season of Star Wars: The Clone Wars. It is the eighth episode of the series overall. It was released on November 21, 2008 on Cartoon Network.


Jar Jar Binks is a Jedi Knight? So think the Separatists when comically heroic Gungan and C-3PO fight to save Padmé Amidala from doom at the hands of evil Viceroy Nute Gunray.


In this episode, Padmé Amidala is sent by Chancellor Palpatine on a secret mission to Rodia to negotiate peace. On her way, she meets up with Onaconda Farr, Padmé's friend, whom she affectionately refers to as Uncle Ono. However, Padmé doesn't realize that Farr has joined sides with Nute Gunray. Gunray promised Onaconda Farr that if he joins sides with Gunray, Gunray will supply Farr with food and shelter for the people of Rodia. Meanwhile, Jar Jar Binks and C-3PO try to plan a way to save Padmé from Nute Gunray. Jar Jar disguises himself as a Jedi and tries to save Padmé. With a little help of a sea monster, Padmé is rescued and Nute Gunray is captured.





Created and Executive Produced by

Produced by

Supervising Director

Directed by

Written by

Score by

Original Star Wars Themes and Score by




Droid models[]



Behind the scenes[]

  • Ahmed Best (Jar Jar Binks) reprises his role from Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace.
    • This is the only episode of season 1 to have Best in the role, as BJ Hughes voices Jar Jar in "The Gungan General," "Blue Shadow Virus" and "Mystery of a Thousand Moons." However, Best reprises his role again in the season 3 episode "Supply Lines" and for the season 4 episodes "Gungan Attack," "Prisoners" and "Shadow Warrior."
  • Quinlan Vos was originally slated to appear in an early draft of Bombad Jedi. He was to be working undercover and actually using his force abilities to make it look like Jar Jar was a Jedi. He was eventually cut, because at the early stages of production the studio didn't have the ability to include many new characters because of the time it took to create a digital model.

See also[]
