"Yuletide and Redtide" is the Christmas episode and series finale of the ABC animated series Free Willy, aired as the eighth episode of the show's second and final season.
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The Eco Rangers return home in time to celebrate Christmas and Jesse receives a special gift from an unknown benefactor, a jet-ski. While trying it out, he finds out that it was actually from the Machine, who filled it with a sample of a red tide from Florida, which starts spewing the microbes into Misty Island's unseasonably warm waters causing a red tide.
Voice actor/actress | Character |
Zachary Bennett | Jesse Greenwood |
Alyson Court | Lucille |
Rachael Crawford | Marlene |
Neil Crone | Mr. Naugle |
Michael Fletcher | Randolph Johnson |
Paul Haddad | Willy |
James Kidnie | Amphonids |
Gary Krawford | The Machine |
Ron Len | Glenn Greenwood |
Sheila McCarthy | Annie Greenwood |
External links[]
content from Wikipedia (view authors). |