"The Day of Dreams" is an first Christmas episode of the animated show Super Sema, inspired by a character idea by Chief Nyamweya, produced and released as a YouTube Original as its second season premiere (the first of its second).
Sema and her friends and family are preparing for The Day of Dreams, a time when everyone comes together to celebrate their hopes and dreams. Sema wishes for snow, something Dunia hasn’t seen in hundreds of years. Will Super Sema be able to tap into her STEAM powers once again and “technovate” her dream come true? Or will her nemesis, the artificially intelligent robot tyrant Tobor, be proven right that dreams are just human nonsense?
- "Day of Dreams" - Tiffany Makena ft. Ndlovu Choir
Voice actress/actor | Character(s) |
Stycie Waweru | Super Sema |
Elsaphan Njora | Tobor Babu |
Gachecheh Kenyua | MB |
Caludia Llloyd | The Bongalalas |
Bryan Omollo | Ref |
Nyokabi Macharia | Mrs. Tamatam |
Patrick Kanyeki | Peter Pizza |
Justin Karunguru | Mr. Babbleon |
Tiana Muthoni | Aziza |
Samantha Wambui | Noah |
Martin Githinji | Chege Mr. Safi |
Wanjiru Longauer | Diana Glorious |