"Santas & Surprises" (originally titled "Santas & Secrets") is the third and final Christmas episode of the Disney Channel sitcom Austin & Ally, originally aired as part of the channel's annual "Fa-la-la-lidays" programming event on December 6, 2015. It is the tenth episode of the show's fourth season in production order, but was aired as the season's eighteenth episode.
This page about a Christmas special or an episode from a television series with a Christmas theme is in need of a longer synopsis. You can help the Christmas Special Wiki by expanding this synopsis. |
Austin and Ally set out to get the father of one of the A&A Music Factory's students home for Christmas. Trish, Dez, and Herman work as Santa's elves. Dez becomes Head Elf and becomes too much of a tyrannical one in the process.
- "Perfect Christmas" by Ross Lynch and Laura Marano
Actor | Character |
Ross Lynch | Austin Moon |
Laura Marano | Ally Dawson |
Raini Rodriguez | Trish De La Rosa |
Calum Worthy | Dez |
Mimi Kirkland | Lili |
Mar Mar | Herman |
Jim O'Heir | Santa Claus |
Izzy Diaz | Dr. Salt |
Edward Zoellner (uncredited) | Lily's Father |
See also[]
External links[]
This page about a Christmas special or an episode from a television series with a Christmas theme is a stub. Please help the Christmas Special Wiki by expanding this article. |