Morris's Disappearing Bag is an animated Christmas short produced for Weston Woods by Michael Sporn Animation. Directed and animated by Michael Sporn, it is based directly from the 1975 Dial book by Max & Ruby creator Rosemary Wells.
The short opens with the title as the narrator reads it. The bright star glows in and dims to serve into the opening scene.
It is Christmas morning, as Morris' parents finish up the final touches of their Christmas tree. Morris and his siblings runs downstairs to the living room and open the presents that Santa Claus left under the tree for them. Their parents are so proud that the following items have been unwrapped:
- A hockey outfit (with stick) for Morris' brother, Victor
- A beauty kit for his sister, Rose
- A chemistry set for his other sister, Betty
- A teddy bear for him
Throughout Christmas Day, Victor, Rose, and Betty take turns trying out their new presents. As for Morris, he's too young to use them, so nobody wants his bear. His mother recommends to make a hat for it, but he says no. His father suggests to take it for a walk, but he says no.
At supper time, while his family is eating carrot soup, they talk about Morris and, curious, ask what probably did wrong with the children's presents. Suddenly, Morris notices an overlooked present. He opens it and reveals a disappearing bag. After a bit of examination, he crawls right in it, turning on the living room light and eating a candy cane from the Christmas tree. While his family is looking for him, he, pretending to be invisible in the bag, rocks in a chair and hops on the sofa.
Morris comes out of the bag, as his family knows where he is. Victor, Rose, and Betty jump into it, disappearing at once, so he can play with their presents, even though he is too young, until bedtime.
Morris' family goes upstairs, wondering if he remembered to put away the bag. But he was already fast asleep in his bed with his bear. The crescent moon fades in onto his window and moves into the white space, which fades out just before the closing credits. At the conclusion, Morris' bear lies down flat.
- A snippet of Morris unwrapping his first present is featured in the "Caravan" intro for Weston Woods' Children's Circle video show.
This short, along with Max's Christmas, is featured on Scholastic's Storybook Treasures DVD, featuring Max's Chocolate Chicken and Otto Runs for President, released in 2010 by Weston Woods and NewVideo.