"It's Only Snow" is the fourth Christmas episode of the ITV hybrid series Thomas & Friends, produced and aired as the ninth episode of the show's sixth season.
It is winter on Sodor. The engines do not mind the weather because they love this time of the year, especially when it is Christmas, and the stations look festive due to the decorations. But no matter what the weather is, there is plenty of work with passengers and parcels to be delivered. At Knapford Station one day, Edward tells the other engines that his driver said that there is more snow on the way. James mentions that they will soon be wearing their snowplows and Henry teases Thomas about how much he will enjoy it, though Thomas does not see the funny side and reminds the others that he hates wearing his snowplough.
That night, the wind is blowing and the snow is falling heavily. The next morning, Thomas has to take a Christmas tree to the village with Toby and is very angry when he has to wear his snowplow. Sir Topham Hatt reminds him that everyone needs to wear a snowplow during the winter. Thomas later collects the tree, but on the way to the village with Toby, his snowplow runs into a rock on the track buried in the snow. It flies off to one side and then breaks off when it knocks down a water tower. Thomas' driver does not think they can continue, but he is determined to reach the station. He pushes the snow away as hard as he can and soon reaches the village. The villagers are very pleased with their tree.
The next day, Sir Topham Hatt praises Thomas' bravery for taking on the snow with no plow and because the rest are unavailable, he will have to work without one for a while, leaving him feeling very relieved and proud.
Alec Baldwin's version of the episode was released in "Thomas' Snowy Surprise," and "Ultimate Christmas," with ("Thomas' Christmas Party", "Thomas and the Missing Christmas Tree", and "Thomas and Percy's Christmas Adventure") on Home Media.
See also[]
- "Thomas' Christmas Party"
- "Thomas and the Missing Christmas Tree"
- "Thomas and Percy's Christmas Adventure"
- "Snow Engine"
- "Not So Hasty Puddings"
- "Don't Tell Thomas"
- "Gordon Takes Charge"
- "Thomas and the Toy Shop"
- "Keeping up with James"
- "Thomas' Tricky Tree"
- "Thomas' Frosty Friend"
- "Henry's Lucky Day"
- "The Party Surprise"
- "Merry Winter Wish"
- "Henry's Magic Box"
- "Merry Misty Island"
- "Let It Snow"
- "Ho Ho Snowman"
- "Salty's Surprise"
- "Emily's Winter Party Special"
- "The Christmas Tree Express"
- "Santa's Little Engine"
- "The Missing Christmas Decorations"
- "Long Lost Friend"
- "Last Train for Christmas"
- "Duncan the Humbug"
- "The Perfect Gift"
- "A Cranky Christmas"
- "Diesel's Ghostly Christmas"
- "Letters to Santa"
- "The Christmas Coffeepot"
- "Terence Breaks the Ice"
- "Daisy's Perfect Christmas"
- "Kangaroo Christmas"
- "Thomas' Animal Ark"
- "Nia's Bright Idea"