"Dear Consumer" (originally titled "Robot Chicken's Full-A**ed Christmas Special") is the third Christmas episode of the Adult Swim show Robot Chicken. It won a 2010 Primetime Emmy Award for Short-format Animation.
- Thor celebrates Christmas in Asgard.
- Santa Claus adds Walter PPK to the Naughty List.
- The creators take a skewered look at "The Gift of the Magi".
- Who needs Rudolph when Santa's got Comet?
- Santa Royale
- A Powerful Present
- The Most Beautiful Tree Ever
- Humping Robot Saves Christmas
- Mrs. Claus' Present
- Christmas in Asgard
- The Flight of the Snowflake
- Don't Forget About Terrorism
- The Gift of the Magi
- Comet's Christmas Miracle
Voice actor/actress | Character(s) |
Seth Green | Loki Tree Jaden Little Boy Various |
Seth MacFarlane | Santa Claus Thor Atheist Mayor |
Robin Bain | Snowflake Woman Little Girl |
Breckin Meyer | Comet Snowflake |
Matthew Senreich | Snowflake Man Police Officer |
Hugh Davidson | James Dillingham Young Terrorist |
Erika Christensen | Della Dillingham Young Christmas Mother |
Greg Grunberg | Odin Firefighter |
Leah Cevoli | Christmas Daughter Humping Village Woman |