
"While roaming the Earth, The Hollow nearly decimated all magic. Good and Evil had to join forces and combine their strongest magic to contain it. It was placed in an ancient crypt and is guarded by a representative from both sides, an Angel and a Devil, for all eternity."
—The Devil being mentioned in the Book of Shadows.[src]

The Devil was a demonic being tasked with guarding The Hollow in The Ancient Burial Ground for all eternity as a representative of Evil. This task was granted to him alongside an Angel, representing Good, when both forces combined their strongest magic to contain the Hollow centuries ago.


The First Devil[]

In 2001, the Source of All Evil grew desperate after a premonition of The Seer revealed he would be vanquished by the Charmed Ones. In an attempt to defeat them, the Source traveled to The Ancient Burial Ground to obtain The Hollow.

The Source arrived when the Devil was playing a game of chess with The Angel. The Angel demanded that the Source leave, but he refused and vanquished her with a fireball. The Devil fought the Source, but was later infected by the Hollow by the Source. He was sent after the Charmed Ones and the Hollow took Piper's powers when she used them on him. However, he was vanquished when she threw an athame at him, stabbing him in the neck.[1]

The Second Devil[]

The new Guardians

The new guardians

Years later, it was revealed that a new Angel and a Devil were assigned to guard the Hollow—likely after the Ultimate Battle—when Neena and Hogan traveled to the burial ground to obtain some of its soil for a ritual to resurrect the Source. Hogan distracted the new Guardians with Energy Sparks, giving them the opportunity to sneak in.[2]

Powers and Abilities[]

Active Powers
  • Shimmering: The ability to teleport through a 'shimmer'.
  • Electrokinesis: The ability to manipulate electricity and throw bolts of lightning.
  • Telekinesis: The ability to move objects and beings with the mind alone.
Other Powers
  • Immortality: The ability to possess an infinite lifespan and an arrested aging process. The Devil guarded The Hollow for centuries.



Book of Shadows Entry

Book of shadows (guardians)

Book of Shadows Entry II

Book of Shadows[]

Guardians of the Hollow[]

Thirty five hundred years ago,
The Hollow was unleashed on the world.
The Hollow is a force that has the power
to consume all magical powers, good or
evil and is impossible to destroy.
While roaming the earth The Hollow
nearly decimated all magic. Good and
Evil had to join forces and combine
their strongest magic to contain it.
It was placed in an ancient crypt and
is guarded by a representative from
both sides, an Angel and a Devil, for all

Notes and Trivia[]

  • Apart from being referred to as a Devil, the Devil seems highly similar to a demon. The distinction is never made clear. Unlike common portrayals of the Devil, this character is not the ruler of the Underworld. The book is most likely using the word "devil" in the sense that is synonymous with "demon". A more traditional version of a Devil later appeared in the comics.



A Devil appeared in a total of 1 episode throughout the course of the series and 1 comic issue.

