The Speakeasy was held in the Halliwell Manor when the cousins P. Bowen, P. Baxter, and P. Russell lived there.
The speakeasy was opened when the United States banned the sale, manufacture, and consumption of alcohol in the 1920s. In this time, speakeasies were a place consumers could go to drink alcohol.
In the early 1920s, P. Baxter and her husband, Gordon Johnson, ran a speakeasy at the manor they lived in. Her cousin, P. Bowen, also worked there as a professional photographer who took people's portraits. Apparently, the speakeasy also functioned as a getaway of sorts for witches, for magic was openly practiced there—Baxter's and Bowen's other cousin, P. Russell, worked at the speakeasy as a fortuneteller and potion-maker for the customers.
At one point in time, Russell fell in love with an immortal warlock named Anton and, together, they planned to kill her cousins so Anton could obtain their powers. However, her cousins had noticed she was seduced by evil and, believing that she and Anton were soulmates, planned to kill Russell before she and lover could attack. When Anton attacked the speakeasy, they knocked him out, pinned Russell down and strangled her while placing a curse on her that would condemn her future incarnations to die on the same day as well, as they feared Russell and Anton reuniting in the future.
These events were witnessed by Christina Larson, a young girl whose father worked in the speakeasy as a bartender. The Charmed Ones also witnessed these events when Phoebe Halliwell relived her past life as P. Russell to break the curse.[1]