A Receptionist appeared in a total of 4 episodes over the course of the series.
Charmed, Season 2
#01 |
"Witch Trial"
#09 |
"Ms. Hellfire"
#17 |
"How to Make a Quilt Out of Americans"
#02 |
"Morality Bites"
#10 |
"Heartbreak City"
#18 |
"Chick Flick"
#03 |
"The Painted World"
#11 |
"Reckless Abandon"
#19 |
"Ex Libris"
#04 |
"The Devil's Music"
#12 |
#20 |
"Astral Monkey"
#05 |
"She's a Man, Baby, a Man!"
#13 |
"Animal Pragmatism"
#21 |
"Apocalypse, Not"
#06 |
"That Old Black Magic"
#14 |
"Pardon My Past"
#22 |
"Be Careful What You Witch For"
#07 |
"They're Everywhere"
#15 |
"Give Me a Sign"
#08 |
"P3 H2O"
#16 |
"Murphy's Luck"
Charmed, Season 3
#01 |
"The Honeymoon's Over"
#09 |
"Coyote Piper"
#17 |
#02 |
"Magic Hour"
#10 |
"We All Scream for Ice Cream"
#18 |
"Sin Francisco"
#03 |
"Once Upon a Time"
#11 |
"Blinded by the Whitelighter"
#19 |
"The Demon Who Came in From the Cold"
#04 |
"All Halliwell's Eve"
#12 |
"Wrestling with Demons"
#20 |
"Exit Strategy"
#05 |
"Sight Unseen"
#13 |
"Bride and Gloom"
#21 |
"Look Who's Barking"
#06 |
"Primrose Empath"
#14 |
"The Good, the Bad and the Cursed"
#22 |
"All Hell Breaks Loose"
#07 |
"Power Outage"
#15 |
"Just Harried"
#08 |
"Sleuthing with the Enemy"
#16 |
"Death Takes a Halliwell"
Charmed, Season 4
#01 |
"Charmed Again, Part 1"
#09 |
"Muse to My Ears"
#17 |
"Saving Private Leo"
#02 |
"Charmed Again, Part 2"
#10 |
"A Paige from the Past"
#18 |
"Bite Me"
#03 |
"Hell Hath No Fury"
#11 |
"Trial by Magic"
#19 |
"We're Off to See the Wizard"
#04 |
"Enter the Demon"
#12 |
"Lost and Bound"
#20 |
"Long Live the Queen"
#05 |
"Size Matters"
#13 |
"Charmed and Dangerous"
#21 |
"Womb Raider"
#06 |
"A Knight to Remember"
#14 |
"The Three Faces of Phoebe"
#22 |
"Witch Way Now?"
#07 |
"Brain Drain"
#15 |
#08 |
"Black as Cole"
#16 |
"The Fifth Halliwheel"