
Calming Potion for a Demon is a recipe for a sleeping potion for a demon in the Book of Shadows.


The Charmed Ones concocted this potion to induce the Ravaging Man-Beast and its clones with calm. Using an instruction from the Book, Piper tricked the demon into drinking the potion. He fell asleep afterwards. His clones, whom shared a hivemind, fell asleep as well. This distracted him long enough for the Charmed Ones to figure out their next move.[1]


Plant a garden filled with these:
Mugwort, moonwort, madwort three.
Boil three score of young, fresh leaves
Then brew a potion, sure to please
The heart of any demon man.
Of this potion, let him sup
Until he's drained his wassail cup.
Then let him sleep, perchance to dream
Of kinder times than now they seem.
If this can't lull him, nothing can.

