Chainsaw Man Wiki

The Tank Devil ( (せん) (しゃ) (あく) () Sensha no Akuma?) is a Devil that embodies the fear of tanks.


The Tank Devil's appearance is currently unknown.

When transformed by Yoru into one of her weapons, it takes the form of a completely black left arm, which replaces the one the girl previously lost. This arm is covered by a stretchy dark lace glove.


The Tank Devil's personality is currently unknown.

As implied alongside the Gun Devil, the Tank Devil shares a strong connection with the War Devil, who considers herself to be their "mother". When Yoru called out for help while at the mercy of the Chainsaw Devil, the Tank Devil responded by immediately breaking out of its containment cell and rushing over to save her.


Aging Devil arc[]

When Yoru is nearly defeated by Pochita, she remembers the other reason why she wanted to defeat the Chainsaw Devil. She then telepathically communicates with both the Gun Devil and the Tank Devil to help her. The Tank Devil escapes from the Devil Containment Facility in the Gulf of Mexico. Together with the Gun Devil, the two arrive on the battlefield and quickly transform into weapons for Yoru, with the Tank Devil becoming Yoru's Left Tank Gauntlet.[1]


As a Devil, the Tank Devil possesses all of the standard devil abilities which includes bestowing contracts upon humans for a price. Although its power and abilities are unknown, it still boasts enormous firepower, having been able to break through the blast door it was locked behind with a single blow.[1]


v  e
Aging Devil arc
156. Whup Whup Whup Whup Bzzz Split Split Absent
157. College Fund Absent
158. Gyohnee Guillotine Absent
159. Attack on Samurai Absent
160. That for Which the Heart Beats Absent
161. Chainsaw Man Puzzle Absent
162. Fearsome Absent
163. Dream Balls Absent
164. Charred Remains Absent
165. Everyday Scenery Absent
166. Rain, Brothel, Removal Absent
167. Super Smooch Absent
168. Kiss, Love, Sperm Absent
169. Hands and Adaptation Absent
170. How to Eat Sushi Absent
171. Special Division 5 Absent
172. Bzzz! Boom! Chomp! Absent
173. Hard of Hearing Absent
174. Ayyy, Aging Absent
175. Both Hands Absent
176. Two Children Debut
177. Trigger Finger Mentioned
178. Gun Goddess Absent
179. Vamvagah Absent
180. Aging's World Absent
181. Trees on the Mind Absent
182. Cute Mentioned
183. Barf, Head, Perv Absent
184. Run, Denji Absent
185. Stomach in Another World Absent
186. Yank, Blorsh, Bdroom Absent
187. Barf! Absent
188. Octopus, War, Chainsaw Absent
189. Heart Pass, Octopus Absent
190. To Their Respective Worlds Absent


  • As revealed by Yoru, the War Devil, she has a close and intimate relationship with the Gun and Tank Devils, considering them to be her "children", as Guns and Tanks were symbols of War and were "born" from her. As such, she had significant emotional attachment to them.
    • Yoru initially had reservations of using them as weapons against Chainsaw Man, but eventually gave in when she was cornered by him. Later, when asked by Asa, Yoru admitted that while she felt remorse and hesitation in turning them into weapons, her desire to defeat Chainsaw Man outweighed her emotional attachment to them, in the end, considering them property for her to use.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Chainsaw Man Manga: Chapter 176, Pages 11-18

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