Chainsaw Man Wiki

Warning: This page contains major spoilers for the Chainsaw Man series. Please read at your own risk.

"I can't take it anymore... This job is going to drive me crazy..."

"Isn't that just normal though? There's no such thing as a life free of bad things... except in your dreams..."

Kobeni Higashiyama ( (ひがし) (やま) コベニ Higashiyama Kobeni?) is a former Public Safety Devil Hunter who started as a new recruit working under Makima's Special Squad, before later resigning from being a Devil Hunter after the battle against the Darkness Devil in Hell. She serves as a major supporting character in the Public Safety Saga.


Kobeni is a young woman with short brown hair (in both the anime and colored manga) that is tied in a ponytail with bangs/a shoulder-length hair strand hanging on the right side, brown eyes with white pupils and she has four moles on her face; two under her left eye, one on the lower right side of her mouth and one on her left cheek.

She normally wears a professional suit and she has two red hair clips on the left side of her head.[3]

At the newbie welcome party, she wore a hand-me-down dress from her older sister which was considered to be cute by a couple of other Devil Hunters.[4]


Kobeni is generally demure, soft spoken, and often anxious. She is exceptionally cowardly with few moments of courage.[5] Her first confrontation with the Eternity Devil leads to her being paralyzed with fright and babbling.[6] She is shown to easily crack under pressure and breaks down in tears when the group becomes trapped in the hotel and she is confronted with the possibility of them all starving to death without any rescue.[7] Her fear can also make her remarkably clumsy.[8]

Her sense of fear causes her to take drastic action in order to save herself such as turning on Denji and threatening him at knifepoint once a Devil promised to free her in exchange for Denji's life.[9] She even went as far as accusing Hirokazu Arai of being a spy for the Devils because he defended Power from Kobeni's delusional accusations.[10] Despite how she acted towards them in her panicked state, she did feel remorse for her actions and gratitude towards Hirokazu for shielding her when they were attacked.[11]

However, when Kobeni gets into action she had proven to be cool-headed and efficient, ruthlessly dealing with both the Katana Man and Akane Sawatari and forcing them to retreat; only breaking down in a panic once the fighting is over.[12]

Despite being forced into a line of work that she hates by her family, Kobeni still cares about them as she sends her money to her brother to support him through college and chauffeurs her family around in her car.[7][13] And despite wanting to quit, she initially stays because it was the day she was going to receive a bonus.[14]

Kobeni is shown to be skittish when hugged repeatedly by Himeno, but tolerates her antics.[15][16]

Kobeni is shown to enjoy alcohol, especially when it is paid for by someone else.[17] Her hobby is to eat tasty things.[18] She loves the flavor of ice cream which she has only experienced three times in her life.[19]


In grade school, Kobeni had her parents buy her an ice cream just once for her birthday. The first taste was described by her as being so good that she broke into a run, tripped and dropped the ice cream.[19]

Kobeni became a Devil Hunter partially because her parents forced her into work to support her brother to be able to go to college. Faced with the choice of becoming a sex worker or a Devil Hunter, Kobeni opted to become a Devil Hunter and joined Public Safety despite wanting to go to college too.[7]


According to Himeno, Kobeni is talented, but she is held back by her timidness.[20] This is later proven true when Kobeni manages to single-handedly defeat the Katana Man in his human form and forced Akane Sawatari to retreat.[12]

Physical Prowess

Kobeni dodging the Snake Devil’s tail

Kobeni dodging the Snake Devil's tail

  • Enhanced Strength: Kobeni is able cut a full grown man's arm clean off with a knife without much effort.
  • Enhanced Agility: Kobeni has an impressive level of agility, being able to dodge a tail attack from the Snake Devil before running across its body, a feat that prompted the Katana Man to call her a monkey.[18] She also receives a perfect score when playing Dance Dance Mushroom.[21]

Devil Contracts

  • Unknown Devil Contract: Kobeni has a contract with an unnamed Devil whose identity she keeps a secret.[22]


  • Knifemanship: Kobeni uses a knife as her primary weapon of choice, managing to easily defeat Katana Man in his human form by swiftly cutting off his arm.
  • Marksmanship: Kobeni has also showcased to be a skilled and accurate shooter, having severely injured Katana Man and shooting him twice before gunning Akane Sawatari and forcing her to retreat.
  • Driving: Kobeni possesses a driving license and her own car, which she primarily uses to chauffeur her family around but her exact skill is unknown as the only time she has been seen in the vehicle was when Power crashed it.[13]
  • Dancing: Kobeni is a very skilled dancer, she received a perfect score when playing Dance Dance Mushroom.[21]

Chapter Appearances

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Bat Devil arc
5. A Way to Touch Some Boobs Absent
6. Service Absent
7. Meowy's Whereabouts Absent
8. Chainsaw vs. Bat Absent
9. Rescue Absent
10. Kon Debut
11. Compromise Absent
12. Squeeze Absent
13. Gun Devil Appears
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Eternity Devil arc
14. French Kiss Appears
15. Endless 8th Floor Appears
16. The First Taste Appears
17. Kill Denji Appears
18. Chainsaw vs. Eternity Appears
19. Nobel Prize Appears
20. Drinking Appears
21. Taste of a Kiss Appears
22. Cola-Flavor Chupa Chups Absent
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Katana Man arc
23. Gunfire Appears
24. Curse Absent
25. Ghost, Snake, Chainsaw Absent
26. The Gun is Mightier Absent
27. From Kyoto Absent
28. Secrets & Lies Appears
29. Perfect Score Mentioned
30. Bruised & Battered Absent
31. The Future Rules Absent
32. Over and Over Again Absent
33. Mission Start Absent
34. Full Team Absent
35. Minor Appears
36. Katana vs. Chainsaw Absent
37. Train, Head, Chainsaw Absent
38. Easy Revenge! Flashback
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Bomb Girl arc
39. Tearjerker Absent
40. Love, Flower, Chainsaw Absent
41. Before the Storm Absent
42. Teach Me How to Swim Absent
43. Jane Fell Asleep in the Church Mentioned
44. Boom Boom Boom Absent
45. A Fine Day for Explosions Absent
46. The Melody of a Massacre Absent
47. Luck With Women Appears
48. Kaboom Kaboom Kaboom Absent
49. Shark Hurricane Absent
50. Sharknado Absent
51. Dark Diving Absent
52. Lost Love, Flower, Chainsaw Absent
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International Assassins arc
53. In a Dream Absent
54. To Go to Enoshima Absent
55. Let's Go Absent
56. A Curse and A Fist Appears
57. Suddenly Appears
58. Yutaro Kurose Absent
59. Mess Appears
60. Quanxi and Fiends' 49-Person Massacre Absent
61. News Reporter Appears
62. Super Mess Appears
63. Trip To Hell Appears
64. Welcome To Hell Appears
65. The Darkness Devil Appears
66. Woof! Absent
67. The First Devil Hunter Absent
68. Dark Power Absent
69. Shining Power Absent
70. Pinch Absent
v  e
Gun Devil arc
71. Bath Mentioned
72. All Together Absent
73. Everyday Life No More Absent
74. What the Waves Say Absent
75. 9,12 Absent
76. Don't Open It Absent
77. Ring Ring Ring Absent
78. Snowball Fight Absent
79. Play Catch Absent
v  e
Control Devil arc
80. A Dog's Feelings Absent
81. Paw Absent
82. Always Eat A Hearty Breakfast Absent
83. Death, Resurrection, Chainsaw Absent
84. Hero Of Hell Absent
85. Bloody Good Gut Feeling Appears
86. Date Chainsaw Appears
87. Chainsaw Man vs. the Horrifying Weapon Humans Absent
88. Star Chainsaw Absent
89. Go Get 'Em, Chainsaw Man Appears
90. Super Power Absent
91. Power, Power, Power Absent
92. Zombie, Blood, Chainsaw Appears
93. You & Crappy Movies Appears
94. Chainsaw Man vs. the Weapon Humans Absent
95. Chainsaw Man vs. Control Devil Absent
96. This Kind of Taste Absent
97. I, Love, Chainsaw Absent

Anime Appearances

v  e
Season 1
1. Dog & Chainsaw Absent
2. Arrival in Tokyo Absent
3. Meowy's Whereabouts Absent
4. Rescue Debut
5. Gun Devil Appears
6. Kill Denji Appears
7. The Taste of a Kiss Appears
8. Gunfire Appears
9. From Kyoto Appears
10. Bruised & Battered Mentioned
11. Mission Start Appears
12. Katana vs. Chainsaw Appears


  • Kobeni's surname Higashiyama means "east" ( (ひがし) higashi?) and "mountain, hill" ( (やま) yama?).
    • Kobeni's surname was likely named after the famous Higashiyama Ward of Kyoto.


  • Kobeni has the same moles as Togata from Fire Punch, another manga by Tatsuki Fujimoto.
  • Kobeni's rankings in the Popularity Polls are as follows:
    • Kobeni ranked 8th in the First Popularity Poll with 9,580 votes.
    • Kobeni ranked 10th in the Second Popularity Poll with 22,862 votes.
  • Tatsuki Fujimoto has once stated in an interview with his editor that Kobeni's original fate in the series was supposed to be Angel Devil's.[23]
    • Funnily enough, this ended up not happening due to Fujimoto asking his editor Shihei Lin, during the writing process, who should die between Kobeni and Angel. Lin had then decided that Kobeni should die, which prompted Fujimoto to do the opposite and kill Angel instead.


  1. Chainsaw Man Manga: Chapter 20, Page 14
  2. Chainsaw Man Anime Exhibition - Character Height Chart
  3. Chainsaw Man Manga: Chapter 10, Page 17
  4. Chainsaw Man Manga: Chapter 28, Page 15
  5. Chainsaw Man Manga: Chapter 15, Pages 16 - 18
  6. Chainsaw Man Manga: Chapter 15, Pages 2 - 4
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 Chainsaw Man Manga: Chapter 15, Pages 17 - 18
  8. Chainsaw Man Manga: Chapter 85
  9. Chainsaw Man Manga: Chapter 16, Pages 18 - 19
  10. Chainsaw Man Manga: Chapter 17, Pages 11 - 19
  11. Chainsaw Man Manga: Chapter 28, Pages 11 - 13
  12. 12.0 12.1 Chainsaw Man Manga: Chapter 28, Pages 4 - 14
  13. 13.0 13.1 Chainsaw Man Manga: Chapter 57, Page 3
  14. Chainsaw Man Manga: Chapter 35, Page 19
  15. Chainsaw Man Manga: Chapter 13, Pages 18 - 19
  16. Chainsaw Man Manga: Chapter 14, Page 5
  17. Chainsaw Man Manga: Chapter 21, Page 14
  18. 18.0 18.1 Chainsaw Man Manga: Chapter 28, Pages 4 - 7
  19. 19.0 19.1 Chainsaw Man Manga: Chapter 56, Page 12
  20. Chainsaw Man Manga: Chapter 14, Page 13
  21. 21.0 21.1 Chainsaw Man Manga: Chapter 89, Page 1
  22. Chainsaw Man Manga: Chapter 20, Page 15

Site Navigation

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Devil Hunters
Public Safety Devil Hunters Aki Hayakawa Angel Beam Denji  Division 2 Vice Captain Division 4 Female Member Division 4 Male Member Ear Devil Fumiko MifuneFurunoFushi Galgali Himeno Hirokazu Arai Kato KishibeKobeni Higashiyama Kusakabe Madoka Makima Masaki Ando Michiko Tendo Minami Nakano  Nail Fiend Nakamura Nomo Pillbug Fiend Power Princi QuanxiSato Subaru Takagi Tamaoki Tanabe Yutaro Kurose 
Civilian Devil Hunters Akane Sawatari AldoDenji Hirofumi YoshidaJoey Katana ManKenzoSanta Claus Tolka Asa Mitaka Yoru 
Devil Hunter Club Asa Mitaka Fami FurioHaruka IseumiHirofumi YoshidaNobana HigashiyamaSeigi AkokuYoru Yuko 