Chainsaw Man Wiki

The Grape Devil (ブドウの (あく) () Budō no Akuma?) is a devil who might be the embodiment of the fear of grapes.


The Grape Devil's appearance is like a cluster of eyeballs connected with each other by veins, little arms and intestine-like appendages.


Nothing is currently known about the Grape Devil's personality except it presumably possesses hatred for humans like all non-humanoid devils.


International Assassins arc[]

The Grape Devil was slain by Galgali along with Kobeni Higashiyama. They have mentioned that they have handed over corpse of the devil.


As a Devil, the Grape Devil possesses all of the standard devil abilities.


  • Its name is not revealed, in the Character Popularity Poll it is referred as "Grape (?) Devil" and its name was just a guess on Kobeni and Galgali's part.
  • The Grape Devil most likely embodies Oenophobia (from Greek Οἰνώ: "wine"), the fear of wine and everything connected to it, including bunches of grapes. Is generally considered a branch of Cenosillicaphobia (fear of empty glasses).

Chapter Appearances[]

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International Assassins arc
53. In a Dream Absent
54. To Go to Enoshima Absent
55. Let's Go Absent
56. A Curse and A Fist Debut
57. Suddenly Absent
58. Yutaro Kurose Absent
59. Mess Absent
60. Quanxi and Fiends' 49-Person Massacre Absent
61. News Reporter Absent
62. Super Mess Absent
63. Trip To Hell Absent
64. Welcome To Hell Absent
65. The Darkness Devil Absent
66. Woof! Absent
67. The First Devil Hunter Absent
68. Dark Power Absent
69. Shining Power Absent
70. Pinch Absent


Site Navigation[]

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Primal Fears Darkness DevilFalling DevilAging DevilDeath Devil
Four Horsemen Control DevilWar DevilFamine DevilDeath Devil
Devils Angel DevilBat DevilBitterness DevilBomb DevilBow DevilCarpenter Bee DevilCentipede DevilChainsaw DevilChicken DevilCockroach DevilClaw DevilCosmos DevilCurse DevilDoll DevilEar DevilEternity DevilFire DevilFish DevilFlamethrower DevilFox DevilFuture DevilGhost DevilViolence DevilGrape DevilGuillotine DevilGun DevilHell DevilJustice DevilKatana DevilKnife DevilLeech DevilLongsword DevilMantis DevilMarshmallow DevilMold DevilMouth DevilMuscle DevilNeedle DevilNuclear Weapons DevilOctopus DevilPig DevilPunishment DevilSea Cucumber DevilShark DevilSkin DevilSnake DevilSnow DevilSpear DevilSpider DevilStone DevilTank DevilTomato DevilTyphoon DevilWhip DevilZombie Devil
Fiends Aki HayakawaYoruAsa MitakaBeamCosmoGalgaliLongLoneliness FiendNail FiendPillbug FiendPingtsiPowerTsugihagi
Hybrids DenjiBarem BridgeKatana ManMiri SugoQuanxiRezeSpear HybridWhip Hybrid
Unknown SeraphimDominionVirtue