Lost in Space was a CBS network science fiction TV series created by Irwin Allen, that starred Guy Williams, June Lockhart, Mark Goddard, Marta Kristen, Billy Mumy, Angela Cartwright, Jonathan Harris and Bob May as the Robot (the Robot's voice was done by Dick Tufeld).
The show first premiered on September 15, 1965 and aired on Wednesday evenings. The first season was filmed in black & white and the second and third seasons filmed in color.
The show ended on March 6, 1968 after three seasons and 83 episodes.
In early 1968, while the show's final third-season episode "Junkyard in Space" was in production, the cast and crew were informally made to believe the series would return for a fourth season. Allen had ordered new scripts for the coming season.
However, a few weeks later, CBS announced the television series they were renewing for the 1968-69 season and the show was not included.
Although CBS programming executives failed to offer any reasons why "Lost in Space" was cancelled, there are at least five suggested reasons offered by series executives, critics and fans, any one of which could be considered sufficient justification for cancellation given the state of the broadcast network television industry at the time.
As there was no official final episode, the exploring pioneers never made it to Alpha Centauri nor found their way back to Earth.
"Lost in Space" was about the Robinsons, a space colony family struggling to survive when a spy/accidental stowaway throws their ship hopelessly off course.
- Guy Williams as Professor John Robinson
- June Lockhart as Dr. Maureen Robinson
- Mark Goddard as Major Don West
- Marta Kristen as Judy Robinson
- Bill Mumy as Will Robinson
- Angela Cartwright as Penny Robinson
- Jonathan Harris as Dr. Zachary Smith
- Bob May as the body of the Robot
- Dick Tufeld as the voice of the Robot
Although it retains a following, the science-fiction community often points to "Lost in Space" as an example of early television's perceived poor record at producing science-fiction.
The series' deliberate fantasy elements (a trademark of Irwin Allen productions) were perhaps overlooked as it drew comparisons to its supposed rival "Star Trek."
However, the show was a mild ratings success (unlike "Star Trek" which received very poor ratings during its original network television run).
The more cerebral "Star Trek" never averaged higher than 52nd in the ratings during its three seasons while "Lost in Space" finished season one with a rating of 32nd, season two in 35th place and the third and final season in 33rd place.