Husbands, Wives & Lovers was a Syndication network sitcom series created by Joan Rivers which first aired from March 10, 1978 to April 28, 1978 for six episodes; the remaining four episodes aired from June 9, 1978 to June 30, 1978.
The series centered on the relationships of five suburban couples living in the San Fernando Valley.
- Randee Heller as Rita DeLatorre
- Eddie Barth as Harry Bellini
- Mark Lonow as Lenni Bellini
- Ron Rifkin as Ron Willis
- Jesse Welles as Helene Willis
- Lynne Marie Stewart as Joy Bellini
- Cynthia Harris as Paula Zuckerman
- Stephen Pearlman as Murray Zuckerman
- Charles Siebert as Dixon Carter Fielding
- Claudette Nevins as Courtney Fielding