- Barney (voice) - Dean Wendt, Bob West, Tim Dever and Duncan Brannan
- Barney (costume) - Carey Stinson, Josh Martin, Maurice Scott and Antwaun Steele
- Baby Bop (voice) - Julie Johnson
- Baby Bop (costume) - Lee Clark, Jennifer Romano, Matthew N.Myers and Lauren Mayeux
- BJ (voice) - Patty Wirtz
- BJ (costume) - Pat O'Connell and Kyle Nelson
- Riff (voice) - Michaela Dietz
- Riff (costume) - Jerad Harris and Adam Brown
- Tony - Trent Gentry (only appearance)
- Rachel - Vanessa Lauren (only appearance)
- Cindy - Mallory Lineberger (only appearance)
- Kevin - Brandt Love (only appearance)
- Ealney - Janie Ashley (only appearance)
- Professor Tinkerputt - Barry Pearl
- Mother Goose - Michelle McCarel