Through the Castlevania series, Dracula had several musical themes accompanying his various appearances during cutscenes or battles, the most famous arguably being Dance of Illusions.
- Nothing to Lose and Black Night (Castlevania, Vampire Killer, The Arcade)
- Dracula's Room and The Final Battle (Haunted Castle)
- Last Boss (Simon's Quest)
- Overture, Big Battle and Final Battle (Dracula's Curse)
- Evil Devil (The Adventure)
- Dracula's Theme and Theme of Simon Belmont (Super Castlevania IV)
- Sons of Satan (Belmont's Revenge)
- Dance of Illusions (Rondo of Blood, Dracula X, Symphony of the Night, Castlevania (N64), Legacy of Darkness, Circle of the Moon, Dawn of Sorrow, Judgment, Harmony of Despair)
- You Goddamned Bathead (Chronicles)
- The Vampire's Stomach (Bloodlines)
- Black Banquet (Symphony of the Night)
- Metamorphosis to the Black Abyss of Death, A Toccata into Blood Soaked Darkness (Curse of Darkness)
- Banquet of Madness (Portrait of Ruin)
- Boring Heroes Live (Order of Shadows)
- Order of the Demon (Order of Ecclesia, Harmony of Despair)