The map is small in size, and is filled with shipping containers, giving it its name. The map is almost entirely symmetrical in design, with two containers on the west and east sides of the map, one of which can be walked through either side, 8 containers in the middle (two of which can be entered), two containers on the north and south sides of the map, one of which can be entered on a side, and debris covering the corners of the map. Outside of the containers, the map supplies no cover from aerial support, and little cover from enemy gunfire.
Because of its extremely compact setting, the spawn points are very vulnerable to spawn killing. Close range weapons are naturally a good fit for this map, and high capacity weapons, such as the light machine guns and the P90, can be useful to have, due to how easy it can be for the player to be spotted whilst reloading. Light Machine Guns and Sniper Rifles can easily shoot through the containers, which can aid in spawn killing other players. Explosive weapons are highly recommended for trafficked areas on the map, mainly around the north and south ends of the map, and the containers which can be walked through from either side.
Old School Mode[]
Shipment appears in Old School Mode as a supported map. It features a total of 5 sprites.
P90 w/ Silencer - Found at the south-east corner of the map, in front of the destroyed yellow car.
AK-47 - Found at the south-west corner of the map, near the barrels.
MP5 w/ Red Dot Sight - Found at the north-west corner of the map, near the dumpsters.
M4A1 - Found at the north-east corner of the map, in front of the destroyed green car.
Shipment in Call of Duty Modern Warfare was added as part of the Season One update available in both Core 6v6, and Gunfight. The version of map in Modern Warfare is physically different to the versions in Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare or its remaster. This version of Shipment contains several changes:
The containers on each side of the map are no longer at an angle, providing a line of sight directly towards an enemy spawn location.
The map is rotated 90 degrees clockwise, based upon Domination Flag locations. For example, where the broken car / forklift would usually be, is now in the left corner from where it was, meaning domination flags are at different landmarks in the map.
The map has been made taller by stacking crates, meaning grenades and other throwables are not as easily thrown across the map.
There is now a way to climb on one of the sets of closed containers, a set of the open containers, as well as on top of a container in the center.
Call of Duty: Mobile[]
Shipment was added in Call of Duty: Mobile on March 19th, 2021 as part of the Season 2: Day of Reckoning update. The map is the same version of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and replaced Shipment 1944, which became a limited-time map.
Call of Duty: Vanguard[]
Shipment in Call of Duty: Vanguard was added in a free update on November 17th, 2021. The version of map in Vanguard has made almost all of the containers wooden, making it very easy to simply wallbang enemy spawns. The four main entry points into the center now have tunnels leading into it, and on opposite sides from each other are some extra crates on top of each other that can be traveled through, and are destructible.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II[]
Shipment in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II was added on December 14th, 2022 as part of the Season One Reloaded update. It was also added to Gunfight map as part of the Season Three update. The map is now set aboard a cargo ship in the middle of a rainy night.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III[]
The Modern Warfare II version of Shipment became available in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III on November 30th, 2023. It was also added as a Gunfight map as part of the Season One update.
On March 6th, 2024 with the Season Two Reloaded update, Shipment was replaced by its holiday counterpart, Shipmas.
With the Season Six update on September 18th, 2024, the map was added back to Private Match. On September 24th, 2024, the map returned to Public Match via the limited-time game mode, All The Shipments! 24/7.
Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile[]
The Modern Warfare II version of Shipment became available in Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile as part of the game's launch.
Call of Duty Online China Shipment TDM 1st place 47 16 KD MTAR gameplay
Team Deathmatch Rush gameplay.
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare[]
The cars outside Shipment cannot be destroyed.
On Wii, Free-for-All is disabled on this map.
The words "Call of Duty" and "Infinityward" are faintly etched into some containers.
A river can be seen on the side with the chain link fence.
If a game of Free-for-All is started with more than 12 players, players may spawn inside of each other, due to the limited amount of spawn points on the map.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2[]
On the Xbox 360 leaked earlier build, Shipment appears in the game as a placeholder map in multiplayer.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare[]
A low-poly version of Hackney Yard can be seen at the out-of-bounds region of Shipment.
Call of Duty: Mobile[]
In a leaked pre-alpha trailer when it was still called Elite Squad, Shipment can be seen. It was the version of Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare.