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Call of Duty Wiki
The subject of this article appears in Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare The subject of this article appears in Call of Duty: Heroes
For the wonder weapon, see Scorcher.

Scorchers are an 800 scorestreak in Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, and a hero skill in Call of Duty: Heroes. The Scorchers consist of three Skelter fighter jets that attack the battlefield.

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare[]

"Call in 3 prototype Scorcher jets for a laser strafing run."
— Scorestreak description.

The Scorchers are a scorestreak that costs 800 points, or 2800 with Persistence. Scorchers consist of a laser strike from three planes, similar to the Precision Airstrike of previous games. It is unlocked as one of the three default scorestreaks.

Scorchers, when called in, strafe straight down a line on the map designated by the player. Once the Scorchers fly overhead one by one, each Scorcher delivers a laser designated payload that obliterates any enemies caught within the line of fire. Scorchers are useful for clearing out large, open defensive positions or for holding an extended choke point.

  • Crossbow (Rare): All three Scorchers will follow the exact same path.
  • Pulsar (Legendary): The Scorchers move faster, at an increased cost (925 points, or 4200 with Persistence).
  • Hydra (Epic): All three Scorchers' targets can be designated individually.


Name Image Variant Perks Cost Notes
Crossbow Scorchers Crossbow IW Precision Strike Variant Perk Icon IW 150Salvage Currency Icon IW
Pulsar Scorchers Pulsar IW Charged Variant Perk Icon IW 300Salvage Currency Icon IW 925 Score
4200 Score (Persistence)
Hydra Scorchers Hydra IW Split Strike Variant Perk Icon IW 450Salvage Currency Icon IW


Call of Duty: Heroes[]

"Three Skelters fly over the battlefield in a line attacking everything in their path with air-to-surface lasers."
— Description

Scorchers is a hero skill for ETH.3n.
