Call of Duty Wiki
Call of Duty Wiki
Call of Duty Wiki
The subject of this article appears in Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare The subject of this artcile appears in Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Exo Zombies

"Credit Dispensers often malfunction. Use them to earn some spare credits."
— Description

Credit Dispensers[1] are utilities that appear in Exo Zombies in Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare. They will give the player 100 credits each time they are used. Dispensers will be randomly activated during the game (so a dispenser that was inactive during previous rounds may later become active); any active one can be identified by its green screen. When Multiplier is active, the amount of credits received will be affected by the power up.

Sometimes when activated, a dispenser will malfunction. When this happens, sparks can be seen coming from its display, and many notes will shower the player, earning somewhere between 600-1200 credits; the malfunction is also affected by the Multiplier power-up.

