Call of Duty Wiki
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Call of Duty Wiki
The subject of this article appeared in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3.

"Shipwreck on the Irish coast. Open layout allows for long distance engagements."
— In-game description

Aground is a DLC map for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 designed to be played with the new Face Off gamemode. The map was released to everyone on Xbox 360 for free on May 16, 2012.

Set on the Irish coast, the map features treacherous cliff faces, networks of caves and the rusted and ruined remains of a grounded transport ship.


Aground is made mostly of long lines of sights and points of cover which proves effective for snipers and long range combat. At each end of the map, there are close-combat spots which offers a contrast in types of fighting. The map also has a few shady areas allowing players to hide within during intense combat. Overall the map is one based on forward moving fighting, with the majority of fighting taking place at both ends of the map.



  • A 2D penguin can be seen on one of the icebergs outside of the map in spectator mode.
  • The Shipwreck on the island is similar to Väljakutse from Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare.
  • While the in-game description indicates the map is set on the Irish coast, the Xbox 360 Marketplace description for Aground states that the map is located on the Orkney archipelago in Scotland.[1]

