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  • Pronúncia: /spɔɪl/ àudio (EUA) 
  • Etimologia: Del llatí spoliāre.


spoil ‎(3a persona singular present spoils, gerundi spoiling, passat i participi spoiled)

  1. espatllar
    «This is a great day for us. Let us not spoil it by saying the wrong thing, by promoting a culture of revenge, or by failing to treat the former president with respect.» ([1])
    Aquest és un gran dia per a nosaltres. No l'espatllem dient alguna cosa inadequada, o promovent la cultura de la venjança o tractant l'anterior president sense respecte.
  2. fer-se malbé
    Make sure you put the milk back in the fridge, otherwise it will spoil.
    Assegura't de tornar a ficar la llet al frigo o si no es farà malbé.
  3. desvetllar, xerrar abans d'hora, avançar
    «The princess confab also leads into a scene featuring Vanellope and the cast of Slaughter Race that probably shouldn’t be spoiled ([2])
    La confabulació de la princesa porta també a una escena protagonitzada per Vanellope i l'actor que f de Slaughter Race, que probablement no s'hauria de dir abans d'hora.
  4. espoliar, desposseir
    «Roger, that rich Bishop of Salisbury, ...spoiled of his goods by King Stephen, ... through grief ran mad, spoke and did he knew not what...» ([3])
    Roger, aquell bisbe ric de Salisbury,...desposseït dels seus béns pl rei Esteve,...embogí de dolor i digué que ell no sabia...
  5. assolar, fer pillatge
    «Outlaws, which, lurking in woods, used to break forth to rob and spoil» ([4])
    Proscrits que, amagats als boscos, acostumaven a assaltar per robar i fer pillatge.
  6. apropiar-se
    «… it was her own knife; little sister Mary had left it to her upon her deathbed, and she ought to have had it to keep herself long ago. But mama kept it from her, and was always letting Betsey get hold of it; and the end of it would be that Betsey would spoil it, and get it for her own, though mama had promised her that Betsey should not have it in her own hands.» ([5])
    Era el seu propi ganivet. La germana petita, Mary, li ho havia llegat de via veu el mateix dia que va morir, i ella se'l va haver de quedar durant molt de temps. Però la mare li'n va prendre, i sempre deixava que la Betsey el tingués; i això acabaria quan la Betsey se n'apropiés, i se'l quedés només per a ella sola, tot i que la mare li havia promès que la Betsey no l'havia de tenir a les mans.
  7. fer vot nul
    «Dr Jonathan Grant ... feels the best way to show his disaffection with political parties over Iraq is to spoil his ballot paper.» ([6])
    El dr. Jonathan Grant ...creu que la millor manera d'exressar el seu desacord amb els partits polítics de l'Iraq és fer un vot nul.
  8. aviciar
    «Cousin Hortense had protested that he was spoiling the girl, but Daniel had never truly believed that .» ([7])
    La cosina Hortense es queixava que ell estava aviciant la nena, però Daniel mai va pensar això.
  9. (aviació) reduir velocitat


spoil ‎(plural spoils)

  1. botí
  2. extracció
    «In view of the decline in freight traffic, it was strange to hear from Mr. Lambert that there is "a continuing problem of supplying, particularly for the civil engineer, the number of wagons required for carrying construction materials and spoil for various works."» ([8])
    Veient la disminució del tràfic de mercaderies va ser estrany sentir al senyor Lambert dient que "hi ha un problema continu de subministraments, especialment pel que fa a l'enginyeria civil i el nombre de vagons per carregar els materials de construcció i les extraccions de diverses obres."

Vegeu també

  1. «What the Arab papers say» , The Economist, 5 d'agost del 2011
  2. Jesse Hassenger, «Disney Goes Viral with an Ambitious, Overstuffed Wreck-It Ralph Sequel», publicat a The A.V. Club‎, 14 de novembre del 2018
  3. Robert Burton, The Anatomy of Melancholy, 1624
  4. Edmund Spenser, A Vewe of the Present State of Irelande, 1633
  5. Jane Austen, Mansfield Park, 1814
  6. David Nicoll, The Guardian, abril del 2003
  7. Barbara Allister, A Love Match, 1991
  8. Planning the London Midland main-line electrification a Trains Illustrated, 1961, p. 721