White Smoke (Ability)

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White Smoke しろいけむり
White Smoke
Flavor text
Generation III
Prevents ability reduction.
Generation IV
Prevents the Pokémon's stats from being lowered.DPPt
Prevents its stats from being lowered.HGSS
Generation V
Prevents other Pokémon from lowering its stats.
Generation VI
Prevents other Pokémon from lowering its stats.
Generation VII
The Pokémon is protected by its white smoke, which prevents other Pokémon from lowering its stats.
Generation VIII
The Pokémon is protected by its white smoke, which prevents other Pokémon from lowering its stats.
Generation IX
The Pokémon is protected by its white smoke, which prevents other Pokémon from lowering its stats.

White Smoke (Japanese: しろいけむり White Smoke) is an Ability introduced in Generation III. Prior to Generation V, it was the signature Ability of Torkoal.


In battle

White Smoke prevents stat reduction caused by other Pokémon's moves and Abilities (such as Scary Face and Intimidate), including Sticky Web. White Smoke does not prevent self-inflicted stat reductions such as from moves like Overheat or Shell Smash.

White Smoke only protects from effects that lower stat stages, so it does not prevent stat reduction from items like the Iron Ball, the status conditions paralysis or burn, or the moves Guard Split or Power Split.

White Smoke does not prevent stat stages being directly modified by Heart Swap, Guard Swap, Power Swap, Baton Pass, or Topsy-Turvy. It does not prevent Spectral Thief from stealing (i.e., resetting) positive stat changes.

This Ability is ignored by moves and Abilities that ignore Abilities, such as Mold Breaker.

Outside of battle

From Pokémon Emerald onwards, if a Pokémon with White Smoke is in the first place in the party (even if fainted), the chance of encountering a wild Pokémon is decreased by 50%. It shares this effect with Quick Feet, Stench and Infiltrator (since Generation VIII).

Generation VIII

In Pokémon Sword and Shield only, this Ability instead decreases the chance of hidden encounters by 87.5%.

Generation IX

In Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, this Ability has no effect outside of battle.

Pokémon with White Smoke

# Pokémon Types First Ability Second Ability Hidden Ability
0324 Torkoal Torkoal
Fire Fire White Smoke DroughtGen VII+ Shell Armor
0631 Heatmor Heatmor
Fire Fire Gluttony Flash Fire White Smoke
0850 Sizzlipede Sizzlipede
Fire Bug Flash Fire White Smoke Flame Body
0851 Centiskorch Centiskorch
Fire Bug Flash Fire White Smoke Flame Body
Please note that Abilities marked with a superscript are only available in the stated generation or later.
  • For Generation III and IV games, ignore Hidden Abilities.

In other games


Games Description
MDRB Prevents reduction of stats.
MDTDS Protects the Pokémon from stat reduction.
BSL のうりょくが さがるこうかを うけない
MDGtI Unavailable
SMD The Pokémon's Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, accuracy, and evasiveness won't be lowered!
MDRTDX The Pokémon's Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, accuracy, and evasiveness won't be lowered.

In other languages

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 白色煙霧 Baahksīk Yīnmouh
Mandarin 白色煙霧 / 白色烟雾 Báisè Yānwù *
白煙 Báiyān *
French Écran Fumée
German Pulverrauch
Italian Fumochiaro
Korean 하얀연기 Hayan Yeongi
Spanish Humo Blanco

Variations of the Ability Clear Body
Clear BodyWhite SmokeFull Metal Body

This article is part of Project Moves and Abilities, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on two related aspects of the Pokémon games.